Tutoring in WHS Library


This tutoring is available to all WHS students.

Monday - Thursday
7:30 am - 8:15 am in the main library (must be arranged with tutorial advisor)
Walk-in tutoring 6th period to 5:00pm upstairs, in the main library, Mon - Thurs. 
The schedule above lists the tutors that are available each day. If you click on the bottom tab titled Tutors by Subject you can see a list of their subjects of specialty.

ELD Tutoring- TBD


Tutorial Club Board 2024-2025


Bella Chow
Vice President Morgan Tan


Joshua Lee & Matthias Kim


Hibah Khan


Lily Yuguchi

junior president Alissa Phillips
Shift coordinator Kate Moon
Shift Coordinator Yunhum Nam
Shift coordinator Ann Thekkinedath
tutorial club advisor Stefanie Eriksen         eriksen.stefanie@tusd.org

CSF Tutoring for Elementary and Middle School Students

CSF offers free private tutoring in all subjects to elementary and middle school students in Torrance. Our tutors are among the top students at West High, and must maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA and excellent citizenship to be part of our program. Please click on the link below to go to the tutoring page on the West High School CSF website. 

Once on the page, you will be prompted to fill out a request form.  Due to a limited number of available tutors, please be patient until you have received an email back. We may take a few weeks to reply while finding available tutors. 

CSF Tutoring Page