
Welcome to the West High Academics webpage. In this section you will find a wealth of information and resources regarding our academic programs, in addition to assessment and testing, Independent Study PE, National Honor Society, Torrance Adult School, tutorial services and more!


General Course Change Policies

General Academic Core Course and Elective Schedule Changes: In preparation for the Fall semester, course verification sheets will be distributed in the Spring semester to all students, including incoming 9th grade students. General core course and elective course schedule changes are discouraged after the start of school and not allowed after the 10th day of the school year. Prior to the 10th day of school, all schedule changes are dependent on space availability. *AP/Honors courses are bound by the AP/Honors Year-Long Commitment Contract and do not follow the General Academic Core Course and Elective Course Schedule Change Policy. Refer to the AP/Honors Course Change Policies


Second Semester course schedules are distributed electronically to students via their PowerSchool account.


Course Changes within a Subject: If a student’s schedule changes within a subject (ex. changing from Honors Biology to Level Biology), the student will be required to make up any work they missed in the new class and turn it in at a teacher-determined deadline.


Teacher Requests & Changes

Teacher Changes: Teacher request are not accepted. Teacher changes within a subject will not be approved. If a student is changing levels (AP to Honors or Honors to a leveled Academic), the student will be placed in a class based upon class loads and the scheduling needs of the student. Teacher requests will not be considered.