AP Honors
AP Test Ordering Information for May 2025
The online window for ordering AP exams for 2025 opens on Monday, September 23, 2024 and regular registration closes on October 7, 2024. You must order by clicking on the document link below for information to register and pay for your exams. Have a credit or debit card ready because you will pay for your exams as a part of the registration. The entire process will take about 15 minutes to complete.
Directions to Order AP Exams
Direct any questions to GATE Coordinator, Drew Hettinger (hettinger.drew@tusd.org).
West High Expectations for Honors and AP Students
West High maintains a comprehensive Honors and Advanced Placement program to make it possible for academically talented and high achieving students to increase the challenge of their studies. Teachers in the honors/AP programs are committed to preparing students to achieve academic excellence that will ensure superior preparation for college course work. An Honors level course is more rigorous than general education courses. Teachers cover curriculum at a faster pace and in greater depth while incorporating more complex analysis. An Advanced Placement course is a college level course that culminates with an exam, which can earn college credit for the student. The instructional program offers in-depth study and is not intended to accelerate the date of graduation.
Indicators for Successful Placement:
- Completing all prerequisite classes with a grade of B or higher
- Past performance as indicated by grades and performance expectations
- Test scores, utilized as necessary
- Teacher recommendation
- Note: Summer School classes do not qualify as a prerequisite for Honors or AP classes
Honors and AP Expectation:
Upon acceptance into the Honors/AP program, students are expected to:
- Maintain A/B grades in all Honors/AP courses.
- Committed to the course(s) for the duration of the year. Student success is the goal of TUSD and students not succeeding in an Honors/AP class will be handled on an individual basis. Students earning a final grade lower than a "C" may not move to the next Honors/AP class.
- Maintain high standards of academic integrity and citizenship.
- Be in class every day, on time. Excessive absences or tardies are grounds for removal from the course.
Characteristics of Honor and AP Students:
Students in Honors/AP courses are expected to have the following characteristics:
- High academic achievement and intellectual ability;
- Self-motivation and self-discipline;
- Good organizational skills;
- Excellent written expression;
- An avid interest in reading;
- Strong oral communication skills;
- An ability to work independently and collaboratively;
- Good citizenship and attendance
A Successful Honors and AP Student exhibits the ability to:
- Identify and formulate problems, as well as the ability to propose and evaluate ways to solve them.
- Recognize and use inductive and deductive reasoning, and to recognize fallacies in reasoning.
- Draw conclusions from information found in various sources, whether written spoken, tabular, or graphic and defend one's own conclusions rationally.
- Distinguish between fact and opinion.
- Engage critically and constructively in the exchange of ideas.
- analyze and edit one's own writing.
- Gather information from primary and secondary sources; to write a report using this research; to quote, paraphrase and summarize accurately; to cite sources properly.
- Prepare for various types of examinations and to devise strategies for success.
- Accept & learn from constructive criticism
Honors and AP Meeting and Forms for 24-25
Are you interested in taking an honors or AP class next year? Find out about the classes, the teachers and expectations by attending the lunch meetings. Please check out the link below to see the date and time for each class lunch meeting. Meetings Begin 2/13. Check the Schedule and Do Not Miss Out! If you choose to take one of these classes you will need to download the TUSD Honors/AP Commitment Form form found below, fill it out, and bring it to your counselor when you schedule your classes for next year.
Homework Time Management
West High School encourages students to maintain a healthy balance between their academic, extracurricular and personal endeavors. When selecting classes, we recommend students use the updated "Homework Time Management" activity so they may make thoughtful choices about their course selection, which will allow them to explore their interests and better manage their time. It is important to take the time to complete the activity to ensure they are not overloading their schedules. The goal is to have well-balanced Warriors!
Course Change Policies
AP/Honors Course Change Policies and Exit Guidelines:
- AP and Honors Courses are year-long contractual commitments.
- It is expected that students seek assistance when needed to be successful in the course.
- Students are expected to remain in the AP and Honors course at least one full semester.
- Students petitioning to exit an AP or Honors course must meet the following criteria:
- Conference with the teacher to create a plan of action to be successful in the course.
- Completion of course assignments.
- Attendance at recommended Warrior Workshop course tutorial, and teacher office hours.
- Positive attendance at school.
The petition for exit may or may not be granted by the AP/Honors Review Committee. The decision will be based on input from the teacher, student performance in the course, availability of space in other courses, and timing of the request. Students experiencing success (able to maintain a C or better semester average) in the course will remain in the course for the semester.
AP and Honors Summer Assignments - 2024-2025 Academic Year
AP and Honors Summer Assignments and Information via Google Docs
The date and hours for summer textbook check out are Thursday, June 13th 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm and Friday, June 14th, 8:30 am -11:00 am. LAST CHANCE MAKE UP DATES - 6/17 AND 6/18 - 10AM - 1PM
****To check out a summer textbook, you must have all textbooks from the previous school year turned in, and you must bring your student ID/student ID# to check out the books.
Please see the link above to view the live Google Document for Summer assignments. If there is a link to an informational video posted, you can learn about the class.
See the Summer Assignment column for links to the summer homework and check whether or not you need to get a textbook/novel from the library to do your assignment. Some of you have the option to check out a book or you may choose to buy your own copy.
Please note that you must be enrolled in the course to check out the books for the noted assignments.
8th Grade Honors and Enrichment Program
This program is for highly motivated 7th grade students who have the perseverance, maturity, and academic knowledge to take on the rigor of enrolling in high school classes for the fall. Prior to considering the 8th Grade Honors Program, both students and parents need to review the 7th grade parent night presentation (see the link in the google doc below) and read through the article "Are You Ready for Honors?" (linked below). Students who wish to apply to the program then need to submit the application form and submit the TUSD Honors & AP Commitment form. The deadline for these forms is Friday April 19, 2024. Directions, links, and forms may be accessed here.