Student Newspaper
West Signals newspaper is run by the Advanced Journalism class at West High School, 20401 Victor St., Torrance, California, and is supported by the ASB, the Torrance Unified School District and commercial advertisement. All opinions, except unsigned editorials, are those of the individual writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, student body, faculty or administration, and are acceptable under the publication policy established in 1978. Unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Editorial Board rather than those of an individual.
Letters to the editor reflect upon the opinions of the undersigned writer or writers. Further, all letters must be signed upon submission and are acceptable under the publication policy established in 1978. Personal attacks will not be printed; all letters are subject to editing. Letters may be submitted to Miss Alexandra Serafin in room 4200 or to any staff member at least 10 days before publication.