What is ELD?

West High’s English Language Development (ELD) program is specifically designed to meet the academic and language development needs of the English learners. These students represent approximately 6% of the school’s enrollment, come from different countries, and speak approximately 13 different languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin, Persian, Urdu, and more. 
The goals of the ELD program reflect TUSD’s commitment to quality education for ALL students. Therefore, students in the ELD program are also expected to: 
  • Attain high levels of English proficiency.
  • Achieve success in all academic areas.
  • Engage in school culture including participation in assemblies, clubs, and extracurriculars.

How can I get involved?


The Torrance Unified School District is committed to empowering parents to become active participants in their children's education. Therefore, at the time of enrollment, the students and the parents receive information on how they can become actively involved in the educational process. Furthermore, parents are encouraged to attend the English Language Multicultural Advisory Committee (ELMAC) meetings, which are held quarterly in West High’s College and Career Center (CCC). Information about ELMAC and DELMAC meetings is posted on our school website and sent home one week before scheduled ELMAC and/or DELMAC meetings. Further information can be obtained by contacting our ELD coordinator at ext. 7700.

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ELD Courses 

English learner (EL) students receive a comprehensive program at West High School. In order to develop academic English, EL students are provided with various forms of English Language Development (ELD) support based on their proficiency levels. Students are enrolled in additional courses required to meet graduation and/or A-G requirements.  

Students with limited fluency in English are placed in sheltered classes where teachers utilize special methodologies such as Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL) that enable comprehension of the language and the content. 

What is ELD?

West High’s English Language Development (ELD) program is specifically designed to meet the academic and language development needs of the English learners. These students represent approximately 6% of the school’s enrollment, come from different countries, and speak approximately 13 different languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin, Persian, Urdu, and more. 
The goals of the ELD program reflect TUSD’s commitment to quality education for ALL students. Therefore, students in the ELD program are also expected to: 
  • Attain high levels of English proficiency.
  • Achieve success in all academic areas.
  • Engage in school culture including participation in assemblies, clubs, and extracurriculars.

How can I get involved?


The Torrance Unified School District is committed to empowering parents to become active participants in their children's education. Therefore, at the time of enrollment, the students and the parents receive information on how they can become actively involved in the educational process. Furthermore, parents are encouraged to attend the English Language Multicultural Advisory Committee (ELMAC) meetings, which are held quarterly in West High’s College and Career Center (CCC). Information about ELMAC and DELMAC meetings is posted on our school website and sent home one week before scheduled ELMAC and/or DELMAC meetings. Further information can be obtained by contacting our ELD coordinator at ext. 7700.

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