Permits and Open Enrollment

Are you interested in Enrolling at West High School?
Please click on the following link to get all the information you need.
Torrance Unified Enrollment
Renewal Permits:
According to AB 2444 students who currently have an approved Interdistrict Permit will be permitted to continue attendance in the requested school without the need to re-apply to the district of residence to be released again. All existing Interdistrict Permits will be renewed unless the parent chooses not to renew or the school revokes the permit.
If You Have Moved…
Families are required to immediately report to schools, in writing, a change of address and, within thirty (30) calendar days of moving, provide proof of this change by bringing in two current proofs of residency (electric, gas, water, cable, trash, home land line bills accepted). Thank you.
Open Enrollment 2023-2024
Open Enrollment is for Torrance residents who want to transfer to different Torrance schools.
Per Ed Code 35160.5b, Torrance Unified School District established a policy allowing Parents/Guardians who live within the Torrance Unified School District boundaries to apply to have their children attend a school other than their home school. Once a year, during a specific period of time, applications are accepted for the following school year. Once the procedure is complete, the Open Enrollment school becomes the permanent home school for that student. Procedures are summarized below:
Parent/Guardian must complete and submit the Open Enrollment application ONLINE. Dates are still being determined.