Off Campus Independent Study PE
A request for Independent Study in physical education allows the student advanced study in activities not normally available in the District physical education program. Independent physical education must be a significantly different program that involves an activity in which the applicant has become highly competitive at a state regional or national level. A major factor in determining acceptance or rejection of this request will be the difference between a recreational and a competitive program. The nature of the activity must provide a training and weekly practice schedule minimum of 10 hours per week for middle school and 15 hours per week for high school that indicates the applicant is a serious participant.
Documentation of competition and/or performance at the Regional (Northern, Central, or Southern California), State or National level MUST be submitted to the school site, attached to the form entitled Documentation of Competition or Performance located on page 9 of the application packet. Examples of documentation may include:
- Videotape of performance Award/place/participation certificates
- Meet/event participant lists
- Newspaper listing stating participant’s name

The following link includes the documents necessary for participation in OCIS-PE for one semester. Additionally, certain attendance and performance records will be required on a quarterly basis for grading purposes. Please read over the application packet carefully and then complete and return to your school site, as indicated by the calendar deadlines, listed on page 4.