Attendance Policies and Procedures
Illness at School
Attendance Policies
Students /Absences and Excuses (Torrance USD -BP 5113)
Parental Notifications (cf. 5145.6)
Effect of Absence on Grades/Credits
Closed Campus (Torrance USD BP 5112.5)
Attendance is documented each day with the following attendance codes:
A = Absence, needs to be cleared within 48 hours
L = Tardy to class, 30+ minutes late
E = Excused, cleared, and verified absence; illness and injuries, bereavement, religious observance and court appointments with a note.
U = Cleared and verified absence (will not go truant); any appointments without notes; personal reason, family emergency, family visit, family travel, part-time work, military, DMV, Local/State/Federal Office Appt., non-WHS activities such as scholarship awards and college visits.
D = Excused, cleared and verified absence; doctor, dentist, or eye appointment with a medical note
T = Truant, Missing from a class period without a valid excuse. Truancy is an unauthorized absence from school for any part of the school day missed. Students will receive a truant if they leave campus without an Off-Campus Pass.
Promptness in reporting to school and to the classroom is vital to the efficient operation of the school and the individual class. Any student who is not in his/her class when the bell rings, is tardy. Four tardies will result in an unsatisfactory citizenship grade for the class at the quarter. Repeated tardiness will result in a disciplinary consequence and/or a referral to SART (School Attendance Review Team) and SARB (School Attendance Review Board).
Independent Study Contracts (IS)
- Parent submits a request to Counseling Office indicating the reason for Independent Study. All requests require pre-approved by an Assistant Principal.
- Once approved, the student obtains the IS contract from the Counseling Office and takes the contract to each of his/her teachers to fill-in and sign the Independent Course of Study attachment for work to be completed during the extended absence.
- Next, the student and parent MUST sign and date the contract and return a COMPLETE copy to the counseling office for it to take effect.
- Upon returning back to school, the student must finalize the contract with each teacher by submitting contract coursework and obtaining teacher verification of completion.
- Students must submit a copy of all IS coursework as well as the original contract back to the Counseling Office. Please note, copies of student work will not be prepared by the Counseling Office.
- Students who do not meet the necessary requirements/ deadlines will receive no credit grade on classroom/homework assignments and a “U” (unexcused absence) on their attendance record for the duration of his/her absence while on IS.