8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
Where do I park?
There is plently of parking in the lot and street close to the stadium.
Please note: If there is another school before us (usually for a 4pm ceremony and we have the later one), arriving a half hour before will give you better parking options. See the map below to plan your parking. There is a side lot along the school.
If you choose to park along the street please be considerate to the neighbors: do not block driveways or leave trash on their lawns.
Do I need a ticket?
No, there is plenty of space in the stands for everyone.
What time does my student need to be there?
All 8th grade students must report to the staging area a 1/2 hour before the ceremony begins.
How long does the program last?
It is approximately 1-hour long, and we will start promptly on time.
Why can't I wear my favorite shoes with spiked heels?
Shoes with spiked heels will cause damage to North High's new synthetic turf. Any parents and students with spiked heals will be asked to change out or they will not be allowed on the field.
What is the Student Dress Code?
Because this is a formal occasion and a celebration, many students dress up the event. But, all attire must adhere to the dress code. Below are some guide lines.
For Girls:
- No strapless tops
- No spaghetti straps or halter tops (shoulder strap must be at least 1" inch wide)
- No shorts or short skirts (skirts must be at no shorter than tip of finger when arms are straight)
- No spiked heeled shoes or flip flops
For Boys:
- Casual business type outfit preferred - tie is optional
- No inappropriate designs or language on T-shirt
What is acceptable audience behavior?
We enjoy your enthusiasam and support for your student. We love to applaud them and are very proud of them in reaching this point. Unfortunately, in the past, excessive yelling and noise ruins hearing the name of the student following. Everyone deserves to be applauded when their name is called but please give the same respect for the next student in line.
Bull Horns are very distruptive to the ceremony and disrespectul to others who are trying to hear their student's name called.
Metallic balloons are a real safety hazard due to the powerlines in that area. We’ve been specifically asked NOT to bring metallic balloons.
We will have staff in the stands to answer any questions and will ask you to take these items back to your car if necessary.
Do we have time after the ceremony to take pictures?
Yes, after the ceremony you will be able to join your student on the field for photos. Just remember, no spiked heals on the field. All of the Magruder teaching staff and administrators attend the ceremony. They will be glad to take a family photo...just ask.
How long can we stay after the ceremony for pictures?
If we have the early ceremony (4pm) we must clear the field by 5:20pm. This is to to allow the next school to come in for their ceremony scheduled at 6pm. If we have the 6pm ceremony, you can stay longer to take your pictures.