Daily Assignments
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We do our best to post by 3:30pm.
Daily assignment postings are kept posted for two (2) weeks.
Need some help with homework?
Try these resources.......
Homework help is only a click away. The Torrance Library provides homework support for anyone with a library card. They have an on-line help system that will connect you to a real live tutor. They also have in-library help at several branches and the main library.
Having trouble understanding "Simple Equations" in Algebra? Not quite getting how photosynthesis works? Have no fear. At the Khan Academy you can find mini video lessons on multiple subjects. This highly regarded website offers over two thousand lessons on such subjects as Algebra, Basic Arithmetic, Biology, History and so much more. These tutorials are free.
This is a great website to practice math skills. It is designed for Kindergarten to 8th grade students. The exercises include detailed explanations to help you work through the math problems. You do not have to have a membership to work on this site.
This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.