Denise Spellman - Attendance Clerk

Phone: 310-533-4527 ext. 8891


Online Absence Notification form.

Use our online notification to report an absence. Please submit it the first morning a student is out.  You can even report the absence the night before if you like.

Any absences not reported after three days will be declared unexcused and truant per the California Education Code.

Attendance Matters - Every Day Counts!

At Magruder every hour is filled with learning, we expect students to attend school regularly and be on time. Prompt and regular attendance at school is required by law for all children – regular presence in school has a direct impact on a student’s educational success. Missing just 1-2 days of school a month can lead to lower academic achievement, falling behind peers, and can affect graduation.

Attendance Guidelines

What qualifies as an EXCUSED absence?

  • Personal illness
  • Health quarantine
  • Medical and dental appointments (Please try to make these outside of school hours)
  • Appearance in court
  • Funeral
  • Religious holidays, ceremony & instruction
  • Naturalization ceremony to become a U.S. citizen
  • Spending time with an immediate family member who is an active duty member of the uniformed services and has been called to duty for deployment to a combat zone or a combat support position or is on leave from or has immediately returned from deployment

For all absences other than illness, please send your child to school for at least part of the day so that your child can get the assignments they will miss, and our school will still receive much-needed state funding. 

If your student needs to leave campus early, remind them to go to the attendance office for an off-campus pass - you will receive a call from the office to verify the request. The latest time to request an off-campus pass is 2:45 p.m.

If a student needs to be absent for three or more days, please sign up for an Independent Study Contract to keep them up to date on their classwork. 

Students who are identified as chronically absent will receive communication and interventions in accordance with the TUSD Student Attendance Review Board. 

Make sure to report school absences to our office within 24 hours through our online absence form or by sending a note to the office. Absences not cleared will turn into truancies. Contact Ms. Spellman, Magruder Office Assistant: Attendance/Student Records at for all attendance business.

Tardy Policy 

Tardy Policy 

Being punctual to class enhances the instructional time for all students, limiting disruptions and distractions.  When you are on time you show respect for yourself and to others; you are regarded as reliable and someone that can be trusted. Parents are encouraged to check PowerSchool Weekly to view student tardies. 

Number of Tardies (Cumulative for all classes) Action taken Per Quarter
3 Teacher communicates with students and guardians
5 Administrator and/or counselor conference with students
10 Administration conference with students. Trash Pick Up or other appropriate consequences

Further consequences will be assigned. Double Trash Pick Up or other appropriate consequences. 


Students will be issued Saturday School and/or other means of correction. 

Any student with 5 or More tardies to one class may lose abilities to participate in extracurricular activities (such as sports, dances, carnival, 8th grade activities or other school wide events). Citizenship may also be impacted, per teacher discretion. 

Chronic Absenteeism

Chronic Absenteeism (total of 10% or more absences*) are tracked twice a month. 

  • 1st communication (Letter #1)  - May result in parent notification, counselor alert, and other means of correction. 
  • 2nd communication (Letter #2) - (continuation of absences) parent conference. May result in an Attendance Contract.
  • 3rd communication (Letter #3) - (continuance of absences) could result in further disciplinary action including, but not limited to, Saturday Detention, referral to Intervention, and a referral to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB).
  • 4th communication (Letter #4) - Referral to Attendance Review Board (SARB).

Missing just 1-2 days of school a month, (even if they are excused) can lead to lower reading scores, falling behind peers, and a much greater chance of not graduating. In addition, if a student misses an entire day of school, our schools will not receive important state funding for educational materials and programs. 

*A "chronic absentee" has been defined in EC Section 60901(c)(1) as "a pupil who is absent on 10 percent or more of the school days in the school year when the total number of days a pupil is absent is divided by the total number of days the pupil is enrolled and school was actually taught in the regular day schools of the district, exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays."

Leaving School Early

Once a student has set foot on Magruder property in the morning, they are not allowed to leave the campus by themselves until the end of the school day.

Picking Up a Student during the School Day

Call First: To avoid delays in picking up your student, we prefer that a parent/guardian call the Attendance Office ahead of time. This will give us time to notify the teacher and not disrupt any classroom instruction. With prior notification, your child will be ready and waiting for you in the office.

Come in to Sign Student Out: Those picking up a student must physically come into the office. There is a sign-out log and proper ID is required.  Students will receive an "off campus" pass.

IDs and Contact List: Anyone picking up a student during school hours must be over 18 years of age and show proper identification. Only those authorized on the student's Emergency Contact list will be able take a student off campus - No Exceptions!

Doctor's Note: Taking a student out of school will result in an absence. If student is leaving for a doctor or dentist appointment - we require a doctor's note the next day for the absence to be officially excused.