Physical Education (PE)

Our Philosophy

Encourage students to be physically active and to develop fitness habits for life.  We strive to provide our students with the skills and knowledge to be healthy while having a safe and fun learning environment.

The middle school years are a time of significant change and growth for our students.  No matter the starting point of a student's health and athletic ability, we hope that at the 8th grade finish line each student will have improved their personal fitness level and developed fitness habits for a lifetime of health.

Curriculum Standards

Our daily classes are in line with the California Department of Education (CDE) Standards.  
These five (5) standards apply to grade levels 6th - 8th. 

  1.  Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
  2.  Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. 
  3. Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
  4. Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.
  5. Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.

Exercise, Sports and Games - What to Expect

Everyday:  daily warm ups, stretches, muscle strengthening exercises (pushups, planks, sit-ups squats etc)

Cardio Days: Tuesday's are Jog-Walk  and  Friday's are the  Mile Run/Walk

Sports:  examples of rotating (3-4 week intervals)  of sports learning and play: Flag Football, Volleyball, Softball, Soccer and Basketball.

Magruder's Gym - we are very happy to finally have a full gym with locker rooms for our students to use.  We combined both outdoor and gym activities for our students.

Cardio Room - we have a separate room with various cardio machines for our students to use.  Please ask about our after school Cardio Club on Mondays.

How to get an "A" in your Physical Education Class

Every student comes to Magruder with different levels of athletic ability.  Our PE courses are a personal journey of improvement rather than a competition or comparison against other students.  Each teacher has their own point system but the categories used to grade are listed below:

Effort and Participation:   Everyday students are expected to do their best (individually and in a group) in all activities: warm-ups, run/walks, sport activity, etc.

Attention and Focus: This means listening to instructions and following directions without repeated prompts.

Citizenship and Sportsmanship: Showing respect for teachers and others in the class. Being a model for good sportsmanship: demonstrating fair play, proper behavior at all times, and having a positive attitude. 

Promptness and Preparedness: Everyday students are expected to be on time and lined up on their number before the bell rings. They also must be dressed in proper PE attire and footwear. 

Please note: each coach has their own syllabus.  Refer to syllabus for exact grading guidelines for your student.

Are You Interested in Competitive Sports?
Click here to go to our Athletic Page


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