8th Grade Picnic
Where is the picnic located?
The picnic takes place at Columbia Park which is adjacent to Magruder on the south side. Students will walk over with their classes.
What happens at the picnic; what is it like?
The picnic is designed for students to celebrate with one another their upcoming promotion to High School. Students are provided lunch, snacks, and beverages. The event is supervised by school staff as well as parent volunteers. There are always games, music, activities, signing each other’s yearbooks, etc.
Are parents allowed to attend the picnic?
This is a student only event. The only parents allowed are those helpers who volunteered through the 8th Grade Activited Committee.
May I bring food for the picnic?
Food will be brought in by the 8th Grade Activities Committee. Your 8th grade donation money is partly used to purchase food and supplies for the picnic. If you student has special dietary needs, you may of course have him/her bring a lunch from home.
What is the event like?
The picnic is at Columbia Park located next to Magruder. The students will be provided with lunch, snacks and beverages. There will be games and music. The students are supervised by Magruder staff and parent volunteers.
What is the dress code for the picnic?
The same rules at school will apply for the picnic. Shorts and tops must be appropriate. Your student will be at the park so tennis shoes are highly recommended.
Are students allowed to bring electronic devices to the park?
No, the event is being held during school time. The same school rules apply just as if students were in a classroom. Electric devices will be confiscated if brought to the picnic.
May I pick my student up from the picnic?
Students will be back on campus by 6th period and will be dismissed at the usual time. If you need to pick-up your student early, please go into the main office. The attendance clerk will have someone bring your child back from the picnic.
May I help set-up or clean-up?
Help is always appreciated. Please contact the 8th Grade Activities Chairperson - listed on the previous website page - to see what needs to be done.