Student Requirements

8th Grade Activities Participation

Education is the number one priority at Magruder Middle School.  During their time here, students will learn, grow and be prepared for the rigors of High School.  Our school is also a place where students are expected to behave in a way that is conducive for a safe and respectful learning environment. Remember, Mustangs are Responsible, Respectful, Scholarly, and Thoughtful.

In order to participate in the 8th grade activities, students are expected to maintain their grades, citizenship, attendance and demonstrate proper behavior.  

Students must maintain the following, per quarter, to attend 8th grade activities: 

  • GPA of 2.0 or greater.
  • No more than 1 “Unsatisfactory” mark for citizenship. 
  • Maximum of 5 tardies to any class.
  • No suspensions and no police citations.

Students may lose access to all activities, including Promotion, if requirements are not met.  Students may earn activities back with improvement; other opportunities to earn activities back may be offered  (i.e. community service, detention, counseling goal setting, saturday school, etc.)