8th Grade Class of 2025

Welcome 8th Grade Families!!!   

Always check back on this page for updates and changes.

8th Grade Activites

All extra curricular activities like the Picnic Lunch and Celebration Party/Dance are supported solely by donations from parents. 

We are hoping for a contribution of $50 for each student but any contribution you can give helps.  
Fundraising will also help us meet our challenging money goals to provide the best events we can.
Please attend our 8th Grade Committee Meetings if you can.

Contact the committee via email for more information or if you would like to volunteer to help. 

Date Activity

All dates and activities are subject to change. 

Sep.  Parent letter sent out.  
TBD  8th Grade Committee Meeting - 6:30pm   Discuss fundraising and all actvities 
Jan 17 TUSD & El Caminio Early College Program -- Deadline for application is January 17th.
Feb 11 8th Grade Promotion Pictures
Feb 18  Panoramic Class Picture    Picture orders are online only. Click here for flyer
March TBD

NHS Athletic Info Night - at the NHS Performing Arts Center 6:30pm
Interested in joing a team or other athletic programs get all the information you need at this presentation.

April TBD

North High School  8th Grade  Presentation about selecting classes for next year.
This is a video presentation during 8th grade classes. For Students Only 

 TBD 8th grade activities planning parent meeting. Final end of year activities plan.   At Magruder from 6pm - 7pm   In cafeteria.
April TBD 8th Grade Parent Night - at NHS  6:00pm - 8:00pm   
Meeting held in the NHS Gym or Performing Arts Center.  Parents Must Attend:  Important meeting to recieve  information about transition, class selection, and registration for your student attending North High School next year.   DO NOT MISS!

April TBD

North High Class (Schedule) Selection At Magruder   8am - 3pm
Counselors from NHS will be here to help student officially select their classes for next year.  If a student is absent this day he/she/they will have go to NHS to complete this process.


North High "Next Step Event" - 6:00pm. 
More information will be emailed out when available.   Both Magruder and Casimir  NHS bound students will be able to partipate in a Spirit Assembly, games, and such while getting to know their new campus.   

June 6

All Textbooks, Library Books and borrowed PE Locks must be turned In
(Unless otherwise directed by a teacher) all textbooks and library books are to be returned to the school. Any book still outstanding from this year or previous years will be transferred with student's records to the high school.  Non-return of books my keep your from attending the Dance and/or Picnic.

June 6

Celebration Party/Dance at Magruder - 7pm - 10pm
Please see FAQ's for appropriate dress code.  If any parent is interested in chaperoneing please email a committee member.

June 10

Picnic at Columbia Park 
This is a student only event. All eligible students can participate. Lunch will be provided.   A signed Permission Slip is required. Cost of this event is paid for from your 8th grade donation and fundraisers - thank you!

June 11

Promotion Ceremony 4:00pm - at North High School - Field 
Please read the FAQ section for detailed info on parking, location and student expectations   This event is for all eligible students and a signed permission slip is required. 


Enjoy the Summer and Congratulations!