For the 2022 Promotion Ceremony
There are no plans to use gowns.

Gowns for the Promotion Ceremony

All students participating in the ceremony must were the same identical Promotion Gown.  Students will be measured  for a gown during school. A gown order form will go out to students, usually around April.  You must return the form and deposit by the due date (check calendar for date) in order for your student to be in the ceremony.

You have three options when ordering the gown.

  1. You can purchase and keep the gown for $18.
  2. You can rent the gown at a cost of $18.  If you decide to rent the gown, it must be returned in good condition to the front office by 11:00 AM the next morning following the ceremony.  You will be given a voucher to mail to Josten's for a full refund.
  3. You can use a previously worn gown but it must be approved by the front off at least three (3) weeks prior to the ceremony.