FAQs for Paraeducator Transfer Request Forms
What is considered a voluntary transfer?
The reassignment of an employee without examination to the same class in a different department or job site.
How do I fill out a Transfer Request Form?
The Transfer Request Form can be filled out online. You must create a profile and fill out the information. For step-by-step instructions on how to submit a form online click here.
Can I submit a paper Transfer Request Form in person?
With so much fluidity and uncertainty tied to the COVID-19 situation and by order of the LACDPH, Torrance USD must implement social distancing protocols. We encourage you to complete the form using our online system. For step-by-step instructions on how to submit a form online click here.
How can I submit a transfer request if I do not have access to a computer?
Please contact the Personnel Commission Office at (310) 972-6343 and leave a voicemail. We will contact you and assist you with this process.
I have a Transfer Request Form on file but would like to change my preferences. How can I update my form?
An already submitted form can not be revised. To provide revised selections, you must submit a new form. The Personnel Commission department will always use the most recent form submitted. All other forms are archived.
How long is a transfer request good for?
Transfer requests are kept on file for one school year. Transfer request forms typically expire on the last day of the current school year or once it is fulfilled.
Can I extend the current transfer request for the 2021-2022 school year?
Transfer request forms are not transferable from one year to another.
When will the 21/22 Transfer Request Form be available?
The 21/22 Transfer request form will be available on June 2, 2021.
Can I cancel my transfer request?
If you wish to cancel your transfer request, you may do so by emailing the Personnel Commission.
How does the transfer process work during the school year?
When the Personnel Commission is notified of a vacancy, all submitted transfer requests are reviewed. If your transfer request matches the location, tier and hours of the vacant position, you will receive a call from the Personnel Commission department to determine your interest in interviewing for the position. If you are interested, your name will be forwarded to the hiring administrator, along with the top three (3) ranks of the current eligible list and/or other transfer candidates. The school will contact you directly regarding the interview.
Do I automatically get transferred when I submit a Transfer Request Form?
When you submit a Transfer Request Form to the Personnel Commission, it is reviewed to see if it matches any current vacancies. If your transfer request preferences match any vacancies during the school year, you are contacted to determine your interest to be sent forward to interview for the position.
I want more hours, what can I do?
You must submit a Transfer Request Form in order to be considered for vacancies that occur during the year. If you do not have a form on file, you will not have an opportunity to interview for the position you are interested in.
What can I do if my transfer request is not granted this year?
All Transfer Request Forms expire at the end of the school year. If your request was not granted, you must submit a new Transfer Request Form for the upcoming school year.
What is the Special Education Grid Process?
During the grid process, Special Education determines the assignments for all Paraeducators for the upcoming school year. It is created in the summer prior to the start of the school year. Upon completion of the grid, Special Education will notify all Paraeducators of their assignment before they are scheduled to report back to work. Please contact the Special Education department directly if you have not received your assignment for the upcoming school year.
I was reassigned to another school for the upcoming school year, I want to go back to my school. What should I do?
You must submit a Transfer Request Form in order to be considered for vacancies that occur during the year. If you do not have a form on file, you will not have an opportunity to interview for the position you are interested in.
Collective Bargaining Agreements:
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