Salary Schedules:
- Adult Education
- Certificated Management
- Counselors K-8
- District School Nurse Specialist
- Extra Duty Pay/Auxiliary Schedule
- Gene Drevno Community Day School Teacher
- Gene Drevno Community Day School Counselor
- High School Athletic Directors and Student Activities Directors
- High School Counselors and Dean of Students
- Non-scheduled Certificated Management
- Nurses
- Program Specialists
- Teacher on Special Assignment: 185 Days
- Teacher on Special Assignment, HS Librarians... 192 Days
- Teacher on Special Assignment: 195 Days
- Certificated Employees and Teachers on Special Assignment: 212 Days
- School Psychologists and District Social Worker/Clinician
- School Psychologist - Behavioral Health Specialist
- Speech/Language Pathologists
- Substitute Teachers
- Teachers and Resource Specialists
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