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Administrative Services

Bond Measures - Y & Z, T & U

In 2008, Measures Y and Z passed with overwhelming community support – Measure Y passed with 74% of the vote and Measure Z with 71% of the vote. Measure Y funds are have been used to upgrade and modernize existing classrooms and J.H. Hull Middle School.  Measure Z funds have been used to expand athletic and other extracurricular facilities for student and community use.

In 2014, Torrance voters came together once again and voted to approve $194 million in essential bond dollars, Measures T & U, which passed with 60% of the vote. Measure T addresses the security and technology needs of the District, whereas Measure U primarily enables the District to improve playgrounds and physical education facilities at all our schools. Measure U also provided funds to build a brand new aquatic center.

Interested contractors wanting to bid on upcoming district projects can visit the "How to Do Business with Torrance Unified School District" webpage.

Quarterly Meeting Update Archive

Updated Construction Projects Priority List

As a result of the Build America Bonds and the increased assessed value of property within the City of Torrance, TUSD was able to sell a second bond issuance ahead of the estimated schedule. For this reason, projects initially in Phase 2 of the construction timeline have moved into Phase 1B. Please read this document for an updated priority list of construction projects.

January 20, 2009 TUSD Construction Management and Architect Reports Presentations made at the Jan 20, 2009 Board of Education Meeting

January 20, 2009 Board of Education Meeting, the Board heard from Construction Management Company, Barnhart Construction, and Architects HMC, IBI, and Westberg & White who have been contracted to implement projects for . . . Construction Reports.

December 15, 2008  Measure Y and Z Updates
Latest progress on TUSD Bond Measures

Also, because of a positive credit upgrade by credit rating agency Standard & Poor's will result in a $12.8 million savings to tax payers over the life of Measueres Y and Z.

Project Information

Richardson Middle School

Aquatic Center - August 17, 2016

Mitigated Negative Declaration - Comment Response

Mitigated Negative Declaration:

Notice of Intent:

Measure T & U

Facilities & Asset Review Committee Report 2007

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