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Personnel Commission


If there are currently no open recruitments for the position you are interested in, you are welcome to subscribe to the job description to be notified by email once a recruitment opens.  Please click here to see a list of job descriptions.

How to subscribe:

  1. Look for the title of the position you are interested in.
  2. Click on the title to view the job description and click the green SUBSCRIBE button in the upper right corner.
  3. Complete the form with your information.

Follow these steps for each position you are interested in.

A valid email address is required. Pesonnel Commission is not responsible for undelivered email notice. 

Employment Interest Cards are also available in the Personnel Commission Office at 2335 Plaza Del Amo, Torrance CA. A seperate card must be completed for each position in which you have an interest. 

Please check our current job postings for open positions before subscribing or submitting an Employment Interest Card. You may Careers to view a list of our current job posting. 

Please note subscriptions are valid for one (1) year from the date of submission.

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