The TUSD Board of Education recognizes the positive benefits of physical activity for student health and academic achievement.  The Board desires to provide an activity-focused physical education program that supports the District's coordinated student wellness program, provides an adequate amount of moderate to rigorous physical activity, builds interest and proficiency in movement skills, and encourages students' lifelong fitness through physical activity.  Besides promoting high levels of personal achievement and a positive self-image, physical education activities should teach students how to cooperate in the achievement of common goals (BP 6142.7).

All high school students are expected to participate in physical education or participate in a high school athletic sport for four years, unless they have received a two-year exemption. Physical Education course equivalents offered at North High include Beginning and Intermediate Dance, Show Choir, Marching Band & Color Guard*, and PE 9, PE 10-12, Fitness & Conditioning, and Weight Training. All 9th-grade students participating in Physical Education courses, including equivalents, are given the Physical Fitness Test in the Spring and retested each year until they pass at least 5 of the 6 Fitnessgram.

Two-Year Exemptions

  • With a student's consent, the Superintendent or designee may exempt the student from any two years of physical education courses during grades 10-12 provided that the student has satisfactorily met any five of the six standards of the state’s physical fitness test in grade 9.  (Education Code 51241)
  • Upon request by students and/or their parents/guardians, the Superintendent or designee may administer the physical fitness test to students in grades 10-12 who need to pass the test in order to qualify for a two-year exemption from physical education courses.

*Marching Band & Color Guard counts for one semester of Physical Education credit (practice/competition season runs from summer through November). Typically students complete four years of Marching Band to meet high school PE credits towards graduation.

NHS Physical Education Department Rules and Expectations for Enrolled Students