PTA President's Message
Dear North High Saxons,
It is my honor to introduce myself to the Saxon family as the newest PTA president, and to let
you know that I count it a blessing to serve this community in this way. I am looking forward to
this 2024-25 school year to getting to know the families, administrative staff, teachers, and
amazing students. The North High community is known as a strong family because of all of
you, so let’s continue to demonstrate to the wider community what it means to be Saxon Strong!
I chose the theme for the year, “The star of the team IS the team. .” by John Wooden. As
someone who grew up playing many sports, I know full well how important it is for a team to
work together in order to succeed. One person or one group in this case is not more important
than another, so let’s aim to come together using each person’s talents and gifts to create a
strong bond and team. The chief aim of the PTA is to provide advocacy, support and programs
for our students and families, and as always our PTA plans to continue this legacy.
Just a few of long held programs include College and career fair, Reflections, Celebration of the
Arts week, National Signing and College Decision Day events, Student incentives, Scholarships
and Grad Night for our seniors. We also aim to continue to support our staff through activities
such as a Back to School luncheon and our traditional Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week. None
of which is possible with the support of our parents and students.
In order to continue these long held traditions and programs we will definitely need help! Please
consider the following:
- Become a PTA Member
- Become a volunteer
- Help us with fundraising – our main fundraiser is through the Snack Bar at football games where we need volunteers and food donations
Please stay up to date with PTA happenings through our social media and monthly newsletters
too! Follow us on Facebook at North High School PTA
Thank you for your support of our North High School PTA. Please feel free to reach out at
All the best for a great year,
Kerri Narasaki
North High PTA President