Curricular programs focus on ensuring and supporting the success of all students and address the multiple needs of a diverse student population. Instruction, student learning activities and assignments, as well as instructional materials and assessment procedures are aligned with state and district mandated curricular goals and with California Common Core Standards. Academic expectations are high and are communicated to staff, students, and parents through personal contact, written and phone communication, and school website.

North High offers a variety of Advanced Placement (AP) courses: English Literature, Language and Composition, Spanish Language, French Language, Japanese Language & Culture, Statistics, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, Psychology, World History, U.S. History, Macroeconomics, and Government-Politics. North also a number of Honors classes:  English (1, 2, & 3), Spanish 2 & 3, French 3, Korean 4 & 5, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, Biology, and Chemistry. 

Project Lead the Way elective classes provide hands-on emphasis on engineering and biotechnology skills. North High's Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Engineering and Biomedical courses provide students with an opportunity to explore and experience potential career pathways in a rigorous and innovative learning environment that blends science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curriculum and instruction. PLTW Biomedical course offerings include Principles of Biomedical Science and Human Body Systems. PLTW Engineering courses offerings include Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, and Digital Electronics. Students who enroll and successfully complete engineering pathway courses earn early college (dual enrollment) credit through El Camino Community College. 


Credit is given at the rate of 5 credit points for each one-period course completed successfully each semester.  A one-period course for two semesters receives 10 credits; a two-period course successfully completed receives 10 credits for one semester and 20 credits to two semesters.  The customary course load for a year is 60 credits.A composite citizenship grade is entered on the transcript each semester and reflects the citizenship grade given by a majority of the student's teachers.


During the past several years North High School graduates have been admitted to a variety of colleges and universities, among them:  Arizona State, Azusa Pacific, Barnard College, Baylor, Biola, Boston College, Boston University, Brigham Young, Brown University, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal State University-All campuses, Cal Tech, Calif. Institute of the Arts, Calif. Lutheran Univ., Calif. School of the Arts, Chapman, Claremont-McKenna, Columbia, Cornell, Creighton, Culinary Institute, Duke, Emerson College, Harvard, Harvey Mudd College, Howard University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins, Loyola Marymount Univ., Marquette, Michigan State, Mt. St. Mary's College, New York University, Occidental College, Otis College, Penn State, Pepperdine, Pitzer, Princeton, Stanford University, Swarthmore College, United States Air Force, Army and Naval Academies, University of California-All Campuses, University of Chicago, University of Colorado-Boulder, University of Hawaii, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Univ. of Notre Dame, University of Oregon, University of the Pacific, Univ. of Pennsylvania, University of Redlands, University of Southern California, Univ. of Washington, Wesleyan, Westmont College, West Point Academy, Whittier College, & Williams College.