Leaving Campus Early


Once a student has set foot on Magruder property in the morning, they are not allowed to leave the campus by themselves until the end of the school day.


Picking Up a Student during the School Day

Call First: To avoid delays in picking up your student, we prefer that a parent/guardian call the Attendance Office ahead of time. This will give us time to notify the teacher and not disrupt any classroom instruction. With prior notification, your child will be ready and waiting for you in the office.

Come in to Sign Student Out: Those picking up a student must physically come into the office. There is a sign-out log and proper ID is required.  Students will receive an "off campus" pass.

IDs and Contact List: Anyone picking up a student during school hours must be over 18 years of age and show proper identification. Only those authorized on the student's Emergency Contact list will be able take a student off campus - No Exceptions!

Doctor's Note: Taking a student out of school will result in an absence. If student is leaving for a doctor or dentist appointment - we require a doctor's note the next day for the absence to be officially excused.