TUPE (Tobacco Use Prevention Education)
TUSD is a part of the Los Angeles County Office of Education consortium through the California Department of Education's County Technical Assistance (CTA) Tier 2 Grant for Tobacco-Use Prevention Education. The LACOE TUPE Tier 2 Consortium is a partnership of 17 school districts serving 178 middle and high schools throughout the county.
The LACOE TUPE Tier 2 Consortium districts implement a comprehensive approach to preventing or reducing youth tobacco use, vaping, and related substance use. Key components include prevention, intervention, and cessation services targeting students, school staff, families, and the greater community.
All TUSD secondary schools have a TUPE coordinator who facilitates TUPE youth engagement activities, implements the prevention curriculum, makes referrals for Brief Intervention services, and nominates students to attend the annual county youth leadership conference.
TUSD implements the following components of TUPE as part of the consortium grant:
TUSD implements the Stanford University You and Me Vape Free curriculum as part of the LACOE TUPE consortium grant. Secondary students will participate in the You and Me, Together Vape-Free curriculum in different classes depending on their school site. The curriculum is a part of the Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit and is a 6-lesson evidence-based curriculum created by the Stanford REACH Lab as well as by their Youth Action Board, educators, healthcare providers, and scientists across the U.S. All of the lessons are mapped to the California and National Common Core State Standards, Health Education Content Standards, and the National Health Education Standards. If you are interested in more information about the curriculum at your child’s school talk to the TUPE coordinator at your child’s school or the Assistant Principal.
TUSD implements the California Healthy Kids Survey (CORE module) as part of the LACOE TUPE Consortium grant. Students in grades 7, 9, and 11 will participate in the California Healthy Kids Survey.
California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is the largest statewide survey of resiliency, protective factors, and risk behaviors nationwide. Across California, the CHKS has led to a better understanding of the relationship between students' health behaviors and academic performance and is frequently cited by state policymakers and the media as a critical component of school improvement efforts to help guide the development of more effective health, prevention, and youth development programs. The results from this survey are compiled into district and county-level CHKS Reports. To view a copy of your district’s report, go to https://calschls.org/reports-data/search-lea-reports/ and type in the district name.
To see more about CHKS from the California Department of Education, please visit: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/he/at/chks.asp
Parent Notification:
According to the Education Code, as applied to the basic CHKS survey, active or opt-in consent must be used in grades K-6 (EC 51513) and passive or opt-out consent in grades 7-12 (Ed 51938c).
Parents in grades 7, 9, and 11 will be notified by the school site about the survey along with directions for withdrawal/opt-out. The school site will notify parents in grade 6 about the survey, along with a permission form to participate.
This is an anonymous survey. No names are recorded or attached to the survey data. The survey is computer-based, but no login or student names will be recorded or attached to the survey or data.
Survey Questions:
To view the survey modules, please visit: https://calschls.org/administration/downloads/
The LACOE Tier 2 TUPE Grant annually funds the Youth Advocacy & Leadership Conference (YALC), bringing students from across Los Angeles County to come together and engage in candid conversations about challenges facing teens today and learn to advocate for themselves and their peers. The conference offers students a variety of workshops to empower and equip youth with skill sets to maintain a positive healthy body and headspace. Secondary students are nominated from each middle school and high school annually to attend the county youth conference.
TUSD hosts a variety of workshops for parents/caregivers about TUPE, Vaping, and substance use that includes information, guest speakers, resources, and current trends. Upcoming Parent Workshops will be announced via PeachJar.
As part of the LACOE TUPE consortium grant TUSD has implemented the evidence-based strategy, Brief Intervention for substance use (3 individual sessions) for youth caught vaping, with substances or paraphernalia in lieu of suspension as an alternative intervention to promote awareness, education, and facilitate students’ ability to quit using. The LACOE TUPE grant allows the district to contract a licensed therapist who coordinates and facilitates the Brief Intervention services districtwide.
TUPE Contacts
Director of Student Services
Coordinator Parent/Community Engagement
TUPE Mental health coordinator, SBCHC
- After School Program (Vendors)
- Career Technical Education
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Dual Language Immersion
- Early College
- English Language Development and Language Assessment Center
- Gifted & Talented Education (opens in new window)
- Local Control Accountability Plan
- Special Education
- Testing Information
- TUSD Information for Research Approval
- Teacher Induction Program
- Transcript Request
- Tobacco Use Prevention Education
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