Library and Textbook Policy
Textbooks and library books are the property of North High School and are available for checkout for enrolled students with a current student identification card.
Textbooks are the books assigned by the teacher to the class as a whole to be read in support of the curriculum. This includes core and supplemental reading novels.
All textbooks are to be returned by the end of the school year, when a student is no longer enrolled in the class for which he has checked out a textbook, or when the textbook is to be replaced with a different edition or book at the teacher’s request. Students who fail to return materials that have been checked out to them directly to the library by the last day of the school year will be assessed a $5 late fee.
Each student is issued one copy of the textbook(s) requested by the teacher for the course. Some courses do not require textbooks. Unless specified in a student’s IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or 504 Plan, under doctor’s orders, or requested by Administration, students are not issued more than one copy of the same textbook.
Students are responsible for the materials checked out on their library/textbook record. Students are expected to keep the materials checked out to them in acceptable condition. Students are expected to review books issued to them for damages. Any damage to or graffiti in the book needs be reported before the student leaves the textbook window or immediately upon discovery in order for a replacement copy to be issued without charge.
Students are expected to pay the replacement cost of lost books and/or books that are damaged beyond repair and/or that cannot be reissued to another student. Students who return books with damage and/or graffiti that is capable of being repaired and reissued will be charged a repair fee commensurate with the damage incurred. If a student is unable to afford the cost of the book(s), payment plans or voluntary work programs in lieu of payment are available. In accordance with California Education Code 48904(b)(1), NorthHigh School may withhold the grades, diploma, and/or transcript of the student responsible for the loss or damage.
Library books are the freely chosen and checked out books in the library proper.
Library books are checked out for three-week periods. Students may renew library books before the due date for an additional three weeks and for as many three-week periods as needed during the current school year until the final due date in June. A ten-cent fine will be imposed for each library book for each day it is late past its due date. Lost or damaged library books are subject to the same replacement policies as textbooks noted above.