Our School
Welcome to the 2018-19 school year! Summer is a great time to spend much needed time with family and friends, soak up the weather, take family vacations, enjoy a “staycation”, discover new passions, experience new cultures, and visit your potential future university. The new school year presents each of us with opportunities to improve. North High is a respected “Gold Ribbon School” and “California Distinguished School.” We are confident that the hard work and dedication of our faculty, support staff, parents and students will result in another successful year for all members of our school.
We will continue to provide engaging and rigorous classes for ALL of our students, and support them as they successfully navigate the a-g pathway. Studies show that success along this pathway best prepare students for an effective transition into college and career after high school.
We are proud to be part of this large, diverse, vibrant, hard-working and spirited high school and community! At North High, we strive to offer the best possible education to each of our nearly 2,000 students. We offer many opportunities to demonstrate excellence and are happy to have four guidance counselors plus a College and Career Coordinator to provide support. Thanks to the diligence of our students and staff, this past year the Class of 2018 seniors earned more than a million dollars in scholarships! A large number of our students excelled, and we appreciate the dedication and service to the school that is shown by so many at North. We will continue to provide exciting and valuable opportunities for students to rise to the occasion and achieve at high levels!
Parents – we encourage you to monitor your student’s progress and check classroom grades on “PowerSchool” at least once per week. If your student begins to struggle in a class, your student should communicate promptly with his or her teacher. One or more timely emails from a parent may be helpful, asking teachers for clarification or suggestions. As a parent, expect your student to put in the needed time and effort to improve! During the 2018-19 school year, we will continue to provide free, after-school academic support on Mondays through Thursdays in the NHS Library from 3:00-4:00 pm.
Many North High students do exceptionally well and are accepted at top universities across the country. We know that students who study regularly and complete all work to the best of their abilities, tend to have a positive high school experience and successfully receive grades that are “C” or better. We expect every student to achieve at high levels, make a concerted effort to study regularly, and complete all of their assigned work and to perform to their capabilities. Anything less is simply unacceptable. In order to ensure this happens, we are committed to supporting each student at that place where they are able to access the curriculum.
Studies also show that students who have active parental involvement and support achieve at high levels! We are asking EVERY parent to partner with us to keep their students focused on academics and preparation for a career! What’s more, behavior appropriate for an academic institution and regular attendance continue to be vitally important for success. North High will continue to emphasize individual responsibility and punctuality. All students are expected to maintain excellent attendance and arrive on time in every class.
Our school wouldn’t be the same without the generosity and active support of our parents and community organizations. I invite you to take an active leadership role and make a difference! I encourage you to be involved in our school by working with your students(s) at home – encouraging academic excellence and responsibility – and taking part in volunteer groups such as the PTA, Booster Clubs, School Site Council and Advisory Committees. There are so many needs!
This newsletter includes important dates and schedules that you should be aware of for the start of the school year, including August registration. On Page 3, see REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING STUDENTS – please note the dates for Returning Students are Tuesday, August 21st and Wednesday August 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Freshmen Registration and Orientation is on Thursday August 23rd from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Freshmen need to stay through the entire orientation session on August 23rd. The first day of school is Thursday, September 6, 2018 – students should arrive by 7:30 a.m. on September 6th.
All parents are encouraged to join us for Back-to-School Night on Wednesday, September 26th at 6:00 p.m. in our Gymnasium. Another key event is College Planning Night, a valuable and informative College and Career Planning for students and parents at all grade levels on Wednesday, February 6th at 6:30 p.m. in our Gym. Please mark these important dates on your calendar.
Our faculty and staff consider it a tremendous honor to be part of your student’s present and have a lasting positive impact on their future. We look forward to working with you, to meet the needs of our student body. Best wishes to all for a happy, productive and successful school year.
With Saxon Pride,
Chris Sheck