Wellness Policy
Torrance Unified School District is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. The Wellness Policy Commitee has been meeting since 2015 to revise and update the existing Wellness Policy to meet District, CDE, and USDA standards. The committee includes a variety of District staff and other interested community members. To become a member of the Wellness Committee, please contact the Chair of the committee at wellnesspolicy@tusd.org.
TUSD Wellness Policy 2024-25
Upcoming Meeting Dates in 2024-25:
- Thursday, September 19, 2024 @ 8:00am
- Join Zoom Meeting https://tusd-org.zoom.us/j/85338595283?pwd=VlZPbUJ6OG0rbXozMEY4Z1Z3d0pidz09
- Meeting ID: 853 3859 5283 Passcode: 084910
- Thursday, November 21, 2024 @ 9:00am
- Join Zoom Meeting https://tusd-org.zoom.us/j/86019790318?pwd=aDBtazB0WHRKZk81ZFl0c2NGd28wUT09
- Meeting ID: 860 1979 0318 Passcode: 501579
- Thursday, February 20, 2025 @ 8:00am
- Join Zoom Meeting https://tusd-org.zoom.us/j/89019104967?pwd=bDlnOWhmdjRXZUJqN25LQnpCcFhsQT09
- Meeting ID: 890 1910 4967 Passcode: 001228
- Thursday, May 8, 2025 @ 9:00am
- Join Zoom Meeting https://tusd-org.zoom.us/j/86060114375?pwd=VC9QZ3Fib1JhY0xUNUVlSDBwUTd0QT09
- Meeting ID: 860 6011 4375 Passcode: 384165
All meetings will be held virtually via Zoom. All stakeholders are welcome!
Sharing the Message of Wellness
The overarching goal of the TUSD Wellness Policy is to promote health and wellness, and to convey positive, consistent messages to all District students in accordance with current law. We want to support our students and enable them to achieve more by learning healthy behaviors that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
Key Areas of Wellness
The Wellness Policy focuses on three keys areas:
- School health, safety and environment
- Nutrition
- Physical activity and physical education
- Family Involvement
How do I know if the foods I want to serve to the students for a school event are compliant?
You can use the Project Lean "Food Calculator" to see if the foods/beverages are compliant. Simply type in the information requested and it will tell you based on the grade level if the items are compliant. You can contact Nutrition Services if you have any questions! Go to this link for the Project Lean Food Calculator!
To learn more about TUSD Wellness Policy, access our Wellness Policy Resource Guide, Fact Sheet (Fact Sheet is also available in Spanish, Korean and Japanese. Email Director for translated flyer.) and Food Saftey Packet by clicking on the icons below:
Wellness - Creating a Culture of Wellness:
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