Payment Options
Torrance Unified School District is pleased to announce that ALL TUSD schools will be offering FREE daily breakfast and lunch during the 2024-2025 School Year through the California Universal Meals Program.
Starting the 24-25 School Year, the Nutrition Services Department is going cashless. Meals will continue to be free under the California Universal Meals Program. However, if a student wants to purchase a snack or beverage from the a la carte menu, please ensure there is a positive balance on the student’s meal account. If a student wants to use cash to purchase snack items, cash or check will still be accepted and change will not be given, however any remaining funds will be added to the student’s meal account. A la carte snack items cannot be charged to a student’s meal account if the account balance is $0. Even though cash or check will still be accepted in our cafeterias, we still recommend adding funds to the student’s account online by visiting:
IMPORTANT: Although meals are free of charge, families are still highly recommended to submit a meal application. The information collected on the meal application ensures our schools receive adequate funding to support the learning of low income students and can offer your family additional benefits such as discounted fees. Other areas supported by this funding include intervention, additional academic counseling, socio-emotional counseling, and reading recovery. Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated.
How to Apply: Please complete a meal application, please click here. You do not need an account to complete a meal application. Please complete one application per household.
*If your student attends Torrance Elementary or Shery High, please complete the Educational Benefit Form INSTEAD of the meal application due to being a Community Eligibility Provision Site.
LINQ Connect
We’re excited to inform you that our meal payments portal, TITAN Family Portal, has upgraded to LINQ Connect. There’s no need to change your username and password, all your information has already been transferred to the new app.
Here are some exciting upgrades to expect:
• A simple, fresh look to allow for better accessibility
• An interactive dashboard to view all family members in one profile
• A resource center to access help guides
• Streamlined menus required you to click less to do more
Visit your app store and find “LINQ Connect”, available in the Google Play Store now and the Apple store (available soon), to download the new app and enjoy these new features. Just log in with your existing username and password. If you use a browser, visit to log in. If you don’t use our online meal (and/or school fees) payments portal, LINQ Connect allows you to set up one-time or recurring payments for your student’s meal. You can also view previous transactions, set spending limits, transfer funds between students, set low balance notifications, and more. It’s an easy way to manage meal payments without the hassle of sending cash.
If you have any questions, please contact our office at 310-972-6350.
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