Flyer Approval Policies
In an effort to be environmentally friendly, cost-efficient, and streamline our flyer distribution process, Torrance Unified School District distributes materials electronically via Peachjar.
Flyers will be uploaded to Peachjar and approved by Mallory Beard, our Communications Coordinator. They will be approved and sent out on a biweekly basis (two times per week, Monday and Thursday at 4:30 p.m.). Flyers should be sent to the Communications Coordinator by Wednesday or Friday at 12pm to ensure that the flyer is electronically delivered on our biweekly schedule.
Please email or call (310) 972-6058 for support with your flyer submssion.
Our Communications Coordinator will approve flyers and events based on the following guidelines:
- Educational events aligned to the District’s vision, mission, and core values for quality student learning
- Healthy and wholesome enrichment opportunities that support education beyond the classroom
- Leisure activities for our students and families sponsored by organizations/agencies that support our schools or district
- Examples include: Athletic/exercise, Musical/theatrical, Science and Technology, Professional Development related flyers
Our District does not approve the distribution of:
- Flyers for marketing fee-based businesses (usually not accepted)
- Flyers for that solicit funds or services for an organization
- Flyers that position the District (or any of its schools) on any side of a controversial issuue
- Flyers that discriminate against, attack, or denigrate any people group
Please Note: a facility use permit must be obtained PRIOR to flyer approval.
For a facility use permit, please visit our website.
For a banner approval application, please visit our website.
Approval of your flyer does not imply Torrance Unified endorsement of any identified product and/or service.
The District Qualifier will automatically be included on the flyer.
We reserve the right to revoke privileges from a community/agency if, after distribution of a flyer, it is found to have been promoting an activity that does not align with the guidelines for distribution (e.g. activity as described in the flyer was not what actually occurred).
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