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Human Resources

Complaints & Grievances



The Board of Education recognizes the need to establish a process to allow employees and job applicants to have their concerns heard in an expeditious and unbiased manner. The Board expects that employees will make every effort to resolve complaints and disagreements informally before filing a formal complaint.

Grievance: Definitions

  1. An alleged violation of the agreement negotiated between the union and District administration that negatively affected a unit member.
  2. A "grievance" is defined as an allegation that the grievant has been adversely affected by a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the provisions of this Agreement.
  3. A "grievant" may be any member of the bargaining unit or the Association as per Section 3543.1(a) of the EERA and PERB Decision No. 791.
  4.  A "day" is any day on which the administrative offices of the District are open for business except when a grievance is filed after May 1 and prior to the end of the school year, the time limits shall be regarded as calendar days. Time limits affected by the winter and spring recesses shall be extended by five (5) days.
  5. The "immediate supervisor" is the lowest level administrator having jurisdiction over the grievant and who has the authority to resolve the particular grievance.



A violation(s) or alleged violation(s) of the Classified Employee Rules and Regulations. Complaints do not apply to appeals from disciplinary actions, requests for classification study or salary review, provisions of collective bargaining agreements, and content of an evaluation.

Personnel Commission Chapter 18: Complaint Procedure


An alleged violation of the agreement negotiated between the union and District administration that negatively affected a unit member.

Grievances should be filed on approved District forms in a timely manner. Please refer to your collective bargaining agreement for details on the grievance procedures.

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