Black Student Union (BSU)
The Black Student Union (BSU) of South High School is committed to intellectual, cultural, social and ethnic diversity. The BSU's focus is to build awareness, education, and a new level of consciousness about being an African American in today's society. The Club aims to teach others about diversity and show that, through engagaing in activities focused around acceptance and tolerance, we will get a better understanding of others while learning about ourselves. The BSU organization inclusively works to bring about positive racial relations on campus by promoting mutual respect for all cultures.
Club Sponsor: Mr. Chavez
Location: V24
Meeting Day: Thursday
French Club
Students in the French Club have the opportunity to participate in a variety of French cultural activities involving art, cuisine, fashion, films, holiday traditions, and more. It is not necessary to be a French student to join, and the club is open to South High students grades 9-12. The club’s goal is to promote understanding and appreciation of the language, culture, and people of France..
Club Sponsor: Ms. LeSage
Instagram: @southhighfrenchclub
Location: F4
Meeting Day: Monday
Korean Club
Korean Club is a culturally enriching program which aims to bring together the community through shared interests. By way of music, food, sports, and even traditional games, it is our hope that every member leaves having a greater appreciation for Korean culture. As one of South’s largest clubs, our inclusive activities are both educational and fun for all.
Club Sponsor: Ms. Park
Instagram: @shs.koreanclub
Location: F6
Meeting Day: 1st and 3rd Fridays
Tomadachi Club (aka Japanese Club)
The Tomodachi Culture Club focuses on a variety of aspects of the Japanese culture. This club studies the many facets of Japan including food, dress and Anime. Members have an opportunity to plan and participate in events that celebrate the Japanese culture. In Tomodachi Club, students strive to learn and take part in the many different aspects of the colorful world known as Japanese Culture. Meetings consist of a wide variety of activities, a few of them are dancing, trying traditional foods, and viewing pop culture.
Club Sponsor: Ms. Takahashi
Instagram: @shstomodachiclub
Location: L22
Meeting Day: Thursday
Spanish Club
The Spanish Club is dedicated to the exploration and celebration of the language, customs, and traditions of Spain and Latin America. Spanish Club is a fun and casual culture club where you can experience the cuisine, holidays, traditions, and culture of spanish speaking countries around the world. All students are welcome to join at any time to discover the vastness and variety of Spanish culture.
Club Sponsor: Ms. Olarte
Location: F5
Meeting Day: Monday
T.C.A.A. (Taiwanese Chinese Asian Association)
The Taiwanese Chinese Asian Association seeks to integrate Chinese culture into the already culturally-diverse SHS community. Taiwanese Chinese American Association is a club that explores the rich culture of China, with many fun activities such as crafts and virtual tours! The goal is to promote the understanding of this culture and its traditions. TCAA meets throughout the school year and is open to all students who are interested in learning about the language and culture.
Club Sponsor: Mr. Chung
Instagram: @shstcaa
Location: P2
Meeting Day: Tuesday