Growth Mindset & Lifelong Learning 
Passionately champions civic engagement and global citizenship, proactively contributing to a more inclusive, equitable, and interconnected world through dedicated actions, advocacy, service, and environmental stewardship.
8th-Grader Demonstrates Heart-Warming Diligence
When Bert Lynn Middle School started a Knitting and Crocheting Club at school, little did they know that it would result in producing a new school mascot! Two teachers, Ms. Nakamura and Mrs. Banim generously serve as the club's advisors and meet with the members on Wednesdays after school. In addition to learning and practicing a new skill, the teachers also encourage students to donate the items they make to others. One example is eighth-grade student Lyla C., who spent FOUR MONTHS handcrafting an adorable, huggable stuffed leopard that she gifted to the school. This achievement is an impressive example of innovation and growth, as Lyla clearly practiced focus and perseverance to accomplish her endeavor. We love that students like Lyla choose to keep on learning beyond the classroom and then share their talents!
A Trip Through History: Terminal Island & The L.A. Maritime Museum
Ninth-grade Ethnic Studies students from Torrance and North High Schools traveled through history while taking a field trip on December 11 to Terminal Island and the Los Angeles Maritime Museum. Hosts welcomed our students, Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs), and Ethnic Studies teachers from Torrance and North High Schools with smiles and the resonating sounds of Taiko drummers....
Hands-On Experiments
Our students regularly engage in hands-on experiments to practice stating problems, testing out hypotheses, collecting data, and watching reactions and outcomes!...
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