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Teacher Induction Program

Early Completion Option 

In accordance with Senate Bill 57 and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Induction Preconditions, TUSD makes an Early Completion Option (ECO) available to its candidates. This ECO option is designed to acknowledge the skills of teachers who have previous teaching experience in which case, the induction program may be completed in a modified amount of time. The ECO is available for “experienced and exceptional” candidates who meet the following established criteria:

Participating teacher must:

  • Hold a California Preliminary Single Subject, Multiple Subject, and/or Education Specialist credential that does not have assessment renewal requirements (i.e. RICA, English Authorization, etc.).
  • Be able to document a minimum of three years prior teaching experience as the full-time teacher of record in their earned credential area. Experience may include, but is not limited to, completion of an intern program, teaching out-of-state, or other recent teaching experience.
  • Provide the most recent teacher performance evaluation that is based on the CSTPs from an employer (previous or current) directly responsible for evaluations. Positive performance ratings are necessary to move forward in the application process.
  • A recommendation by his/her current school administrator (who has first-hand knowledge of the teacher’s teaching skills) acknowledging that the teacher warrants a recommendation to be granted an accelerated induction option because they are experienced and exceptional.

Part One of ECO Application Process

Qualified and interested Participating Teachers need to complete the online ECO application and submit their supporting documents (as itemized in the eligibility requirements and listed on the ECO application) with their application by October 1st. If the application is approved, the participating teacher will be given a conditional ECO status.

Supporting Documents for Part One of ECO Application Process

  • Verification of teaching experience (e.g. ask site administrator for a letter that lists teachers employment dates or request an employment verification from Human Resources).
  • The most recent performance evaluation from an employer (previous or current) directly responsible for evaluations.

Part Two of ECO Application Process

Candidates with conditional ECO status need to submit a letter of recommendation from their administrator to complete part two of the application. The letter of recommendation needs to be submitted to the Induction Coordinator (email, in person, US mail) on or before January 1st.

Supporting Documents for Part Two of ECO Application Process

  • A recommendation form filled out by the teacher’s current school site administrator acknowledging that the teacher warrants a recommendation to be granted an accelerated induction option because they are experienced and exceptional.

What is the completion process for the ECO?

An Induction Candidate requesting the ECO track will follow the same meeting/inquiry requirements as those teachers in the conventional program until their ECO status has been approved. All work will be assessed against the six standards of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and Induction Standards, discussed in detail in the Induction handbook. Such assessment will be conducted by the Induction Director and support staff as deemed necessary by the director.

If the ECO application is approved, the candidate will sign an ECO Letter of Commitment detailing the responsibilities and requirements of early completion and will receive a suggested timeline to follow to complete program requirements. It is expected that the ECO teacher will complete two inquiries and a culminating project by the end of the first year of the program. The inquiries and the culminating project should exemplify exceptional teaching and professional reflection. If the ECO participating teacher is not successfully progressing on pace for early completion of the program or if the teacher fails to demonstrate skills and abilities on a level expected of and consistent with an early completion teacher, adjustments will be made as deemed necessary and appropriate by the Program Director. ECO status is provisional and can be revoked at any time.

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