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Early College

Early College Application Information

Current 8th-Grade TUSD Students (Incoming 9th-Graders):

For the 2024/2025 Torrance Unified School District Early College Program at North High School, the student application will open on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, and will be due on Friday, January 19, 2023

The student selection and acceptance process will take place Tuesday, January 23, 2024, through Monday, February 21, 2024, with students being notified of acceptance by Friday, February 23, 2024.

All current TUSD 8th-graders (incoming 9th grade students) are welcome to apply. Students who are selected to attend the program who reside outside of the North High attendance boundary will be able to Open Enroll to North High to attend the program. The District will assist in the Open Enrollment process for students accepted into the program. [Please note: Once a student is accepted into the program and open enrolled, this means that their permanent school of attendance is North High]. 

Every 8th grade student/parent will receive an email on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, with the application form. Your student must be logged into their Torrance Unified email account to open the link and complete the application. If you continue to have an issue, please log out of all emails on the device you are using and only log into the student’s TUSD email.

If you did not receive the email or have additional questions regarding Early College, please email:

Non-Torrance Unified Students:

Students who live beyond the Torrance Unified boundary and are interested in applying to the Early College Program can receive an application form by emailing 

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