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Career Technical Education

  Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation

Industry Overview:

The Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector provides students with the academic and technical preparation necessary to pursue high-skill, high-demand careers in these related and growing industries. California recognizes three distinct, yet interrelated, career pathways: Food Science, Dietetics, and Nutrition; Food Service and Hospitality; and Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation. The standards are designed to integrate academic and career technical concepts. The anchor standards include Consumer and Family Studies comprehensive technical knowledge and skills that prepare students for learning in the pathways. The knowledge and skills are acquired within a sequential, standards-based pathway program that integrates hands-on projects, work-based instruction, and leadership development such as that offered through Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). Standards in this sector are designed to prepare students for technical training, postsecondary education, and entry to a career.

Torrance Unified currently offers one CTE pathway program in the Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation sector.

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