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School Security and Safety

School Security and Safety

Dear TUSD Families,

Yesterday, our national school community experienced yet another senseless loss. As we all think about yesterday’s tragedy, we want you to know that student and staff safety is our highest priority. Please remember that there are plans in place to handle emergency situations and schools work closely with the Torrance Police and Fire Departments to prepare for emergency situations. Schools regularly practice safety procedures with students and staff through discussions, emergency exercises, and drills.

Our schools, or any schools, are not immune to violence. We have multiple layers of safeguards in place and provide a safe learning environment through preparedness and awareness. The following steps have been taken to strengthen the physical safety of school buildings:

  • All classrooms are equipped with 'quick lock' capability installed on each door
  • Drills: fire, earthquake, and intruder on campus (adding toxic air event drills)
  • Buzzer/single point of entry systems
  • Video surveillance cameras (over 1600 district-wide)
  • Raptor visitor screening and check-in system

TUSD is in the process of installing district-wide communication systems that include paging and digital clocks/scrolling text capability to assist with emergency response. Staff are also trained annually on emergency preparedness, including use of bleeding control kits. Torrance Police and Fire Departments work with schools on emergency training and response and have detailed maps of all campuses and access to the camera system in the event of an emergency.

Working in partnership with the Sandy Hook Promise, students are trained on how to use the anonymous reporting system to report suspicious behavior or student threats to themselves or others. We have increased the number of counselors and therapists on school campuses, and have provided specific training for staff to further emphasize the importance of building positive relationships. We strive to ensure that each student has at least one trusted adult on campus to whom they feel they can approach if they find themselves in a difficult situation. Keeping schools safe takes a community working together and we continually remind students, if they see something, say something.

Please know there are ongoing discussions with school site staff and District administration on other steps that can be taken to expand the measures alreay in place to keep students safe. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your child's school principal. 

TUSD Administration


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