Frequently Asked Questions
Check out our Transcripts Request page on our South High website.
Some colleges will require you to submit an initial transcript and/or a mid year transcript. It is important that you check what you need from each college you are applying to.
The college you commit to will need you to submit a final transcript.
*Most colleges will ask you to submit a transcript electronically. In order for our counselors to submit a transcript electronically via Naviance, the student must have added the college on their Naviance account.
You can find your CA-SSID on the top left hand side of your transcript.
To register for the tests and to send scores to colleges you are applying to visit:
- SAT -->
- ACT -->
If your family's income is less than the numbers below, you should qualify for testing and college application fee waivers.
Number of People Total Annual Income
in the Household (in the preceding calendar year)
1 $22,311
2 $30,044
3 $37,777
4 $45,510
5 $53,243
6 $60,976
Over 6 people add $7,733
Some schools have their applications available as early as July 1st.
There are over 400 colleges and universities that now accept the Common Application which comes out August 1st.
If you would like to get a headstart, you can begin your applications in the summer before your senior year.
Just note, we will be assisting Seniors with applications at the beginning of their Fall semester and will explain the college application process during your senior evaluation with your counselor and we will also be providing workshops.
There are many sites that will give you great ideas on how to write essays.
Here are some links:
Popular Application Essay Topics | Apply
A "Secondary School Report" (SSR) is the same thing as a counselor/teacher recommendation. You must ask your counselor and teachers to write your recommendation at least 3 weeks prior to the due date. When asking counselors for recommendations, you will need to make sure they have a copy of your Counselor Letter of Recommendation Questionnaire. You should also update the list of colleges you are applying to in your Naviance account.
The California Community Colleges website lets you fill out applications for most Community Colleges in California. El Camino College is also on our campus beginning October, and you can sign up for El Camino visits via Naviance.
If you would like to appeal your admissions decisions, be sure to find out what the process is at the specific college. In order to appeal their decision, you should have new information that wasn't included in your original application.
Go to the Eligibility Center to get registered with the NCAA. Those students who are planning to play at the Division 1 or 2 level need to register preferably at the end of junior year. You can also visit our NCAA page on our South High website.
High school counselors will need to submit transcripts for student-athletes registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Please note that by agreeing to the NCAA Eligibility Center's Terms and Conditions when a student completes their registration, all students have agreed to the release of official transcripts to the NCAA Eligibility Center. Let your counselor know if you want your transcript submitted to NCAA or NAIA.
Refer to our Financial Aid page on our website for detailed information.
Scholarships and grants!
Check our Scholarships page for a list of available scholarships, as well as scholarship websites where you can search various scholarships. Make sure to also be checking your etusd emails and Naviance for emails regarding scholarships.
Also, for seniors each year we have the TUSD local scholarship application, which gets shared with seniors mid November or Early December.