College Planning Resources
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Naviance is a web-based program that allows students to find college information, research specific colleges and careers, and take assessments to determine future college majors and career paths. All students have an account with individual login information, and are encouraged to use it frequently to aid in discovering their post-secondary goals. South High’s Naviance page can be accessed at
- → The Occupational Outlook Handbook, US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, is a nationally-recognized source of career information. You can look up job outlooks, training and education for careers, earning potential, and job descriptions.
- → A primary source of occupational information
- → A step-by-step career planning resource
- → Career One Stop shows earnings and employment trends, and has an online career resource library.
- → A directory of job search resources
- → A career search sponsored by the College Board
- → College View career index
- → A career planning guide with information about resume writing, interviewing, and career strategies
- → Career exploration tools and resources
- → Source for searching for careers in California
- → This site offers career planning advice that is easy to read
- → Shows jobs in national parks, resorts, theme parks, tour companies
- → Free temperament sorter.
Presentations are scheduled throughout the year and are updated regularly as new appointments are confirmed. Listening to a college admission counselor can provide a clear sense of what a university has to offer, and can help students clarify what they are looking for in a college/university. In most cases, the presenter is the same person who reviews applications and makes admission decisions. All visits take place in the College/Career Center (R-4) unless otherwise noted. Students will need to sign up on Naviance to attend.
There are many programs that train students to do a specific trade, rather than earn a degree. This often comes with certification in a career or trade. These can be individual schools for career education, or can be programs through community colleges.