Seeking Members: Calling all 10th and 11th grade students! (Application Closed)
Are you someone who enjoys collaborating with your peers, discussing different perspectives on important school issues, providing your input, and being part of a thoughtful process resulting in innovative solutions? Are you interested in developing important leadership skills? If so, read on!
TUSD is committed to supporting the unique and varying needs of our students. With this goal in mind, we are working to identify solutions to ensure equity, enhance the quality of public education, and support the well-being and achievements of all students. We are forming the Superintendent's Student Leadership and Advisory Group because we believe that elevating student voices is critical in shaping conversations about education and creating meaningful change. In addition, selected students will engage in leadership experiences in the community as a way to build important skills for their future.
Superintendent, Dr. Tim Stowe, is seeking applications from a diverse array of high school students in 10th and 11th grade to participate in this unique opportunity. The goal of this group is to bring North, Shery, South, Torrance, and West High School students together to share feedback, experiences, viewpoints, and solutions on a variety of issues taking place in our schools and within the community.
Approximately 18-25 students will be selected to serve a minimum 2 year term. The first meeting is planned for early December 2021, at which time the schedule for the following meetings will be determined. Student members will be expected to attend and participate in each meeting, and if selected, will also be required to provide verification from parent(s) or legal guardian(s) with permission to participate.
Reference Requirement
Student applicants must identify a Teacher, Administrator, or Certificated School Staff Member (e.g. a Counselor, School Psychologist, Dean, Advisor, etc.), at their current school, to submit a Reference Form on their behalf. It is the student's responsibility to send their identified Teacher, Administrator, or Certificated Staff the online Reference Form for completion and submission by the deadline indicated below.
Meeting Schedule
Meetings will be held after school (exact time TBA), with a rotating location at the high schools. The first meeting is planned for early December 2021, at which time the schedule for the following meetings will be determined. Please stay tuned for updates!
Selection Criteria
All applications that are complete, have a complete corresponding Reference Form, and are submitted online by the deadline will be considered in the selection process. Selection criteria for the Student Application and Reference Form include:
- Student Applicant is a current Torrance Unified 10th or 11th grade student, attending North, Shery, South, Torrance, or West High School.
- Student Application was submitted by the due date.
- Reference Form was submitted by the deadline (on student’s behalf).
Questions? Please contact Shelley Morse in the Superintendent's Office at 310-972-6003 or by email at
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