Discipline Matrix

Students may be suspended or expelled if the act is related to a school activity or school attendance, including but not limited to the following:  (a) while on school grounds; (b) while going to or coming from school; (c) during a school lunch period, whether on or off campus; or (d) during or while going to or coming from a school sponsored activity.  Education Code 49079 requires that teachers be informed of a pupil’s suspension and the infraction specific to the case, as described in Education Code 48900, except for smoking.  The information shall be provided confidentially to teachers for the previous three school years.  All students will be held accountable for the last three years of their discipline history.

The attached discipline matrix indicates the types of disciplinary action that may apply to each offense. These actions may be applied to a first time or repeated incident. Progressive consequences, when applicable, are listed for each subsequent offense within the respective education code violation. School officials use this matrix as a guide intended to standardize disciplinary procedures throughout the District. The recommendations are not intended to substitute for the judgment of professional personnel based upon knowledge of the student’s behavior record and statutory restraints.


South High School expects every student to perform all academic work with honesty and integrity. Assignments must be the result of his/her own work and uphold truthfulness in all aspects. Dishonesty or cheating in any form will not be tolerated.