Specific Regulations

Closed Campus
During school hours, students are to remain on campus. A student who leaves campus without an official off-campus pass is subject to disciplinary action, including a citation from the Torrance Police Department. Students must have passes to be in the parking lot during regular school hours. ALL visitors to the campus must sign in and check in (California Penal Code 627.6) with the principal’s secretary and obtain a visitor’s pass which must be worn at all times while on the campus Students may not have visitors with them on campus during the school day.

Parking and Parking Permit Policy

Student parking is available in the lot on the west side of the school only. Five miles per hour is the speed limit on the access roads and in the parking lot.

Motorbikes are to be parked in the gymnasium parking lot ONLY.

Visitor parking is available for 20 minutes only in front of the school in spaces designated “Visitor.” Additional visitor parking is available in the west parking lot.

Attention should be given to the fact that the frontage road is ONE WAY, west bound only.

Students must obtain a permit to park at school. The permit application may be obtained from the Attendance Office. A $1.00 fee is required and signature from a parent/guardian. The decal must be displayed in the lower rear window of the driver’s side of the vehicle.

Health Services

A pass must be secured from the teacher before coming to the Health Office.

When the Health Office issues a permit to go home, the student will be issued an off-campus pass. A student who is given a permit to go home issued by the Health Office may not return to school that same day.

Accident or Injury — any accident or injury occurring on the school grounds between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. must be reported immediately by the student to a person in authority.

Per Torrance District school policy, all medications, prescribed or over the counter, must remain in the Health Office and never in the student’s possession. (TUSD Policy 462 and Ed Code 49480)

Bicycles must be walked on ALL areas of the campus. Bicycle racks are provided in a fenced compound beside the gymnasium. Bicycles should always be kept locked when parked. The school is not responsible for theft or damage.

Skate/”Razor Roller Skates/Blades, “Go-Peds”
Skateboards, roller skates/blades, Razor”boards and “Go- I Peds are not to be used on campus at any time. Effective )‘ October 1, 1998, Torrance Skateboarding Ordinance (TMC 63.4.030) prohibits skateboarding on ANY school property. Any person who violates this is guilty of an infraction with a penalty of a $25.00 fine for the first violation.

Electronic Devices
No student shall possess an electronic device on school grounds, including but not limited to the following: laser beam pointers (California Penal Code 4 17.27(a), (b), (c) and (d)), radios, CD players, cassette players, pagers and/or beepers, personal devices with message sending capabilities, or any other electronic device that would interfere with a student's learning process. Any such devices shall be immediately confiscated and student is subject to immediate disciplinary action, including suspension and expulsion. Per Torrance District policy, cellular phones must be turned off and kept out of sight while on school grounds between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. If not, they will be confiscated and returned to the student's parent.