Clubs & Student Engagement Activities

Madrona is home to various service organizations and clubs, athletics, and  extracurricular activities. Students are encouraged to participate in many activities to help shape their futures and become responsible community citizens.  Faculty members volunteer lunchtime, before or after school for activities open to all students.   Students will learn more about the various offerings once school begins, and may sign up throughout the school year.

  • After School Math Homework Club – Monday, Mrs. Bloomfield / Tuesday, Ms. Fu / Wedensday, Mrs. Wulpern - 3:30 - 4:30 - SIGN UP HERE
  • Art Club – Mr. H - Thursday - After School - 3:16 - 4:16
  • Basketball Club - Coach Courtney and Coach Lalo - Wednesday - After School - 3:30 - 4:00 - Gym
  • Chess Club – Mrs. Bloomfield - Wednesday - Lunch
  • Classic Cinema Club – Mr. Snow - Wednesday and Thursday - Lunch
  • Cross Country Run Club – Mr. Estefan - Wedensday - After School 3:20 - 3:50 - SIGN UP HERE
  • Math Club – Mr. Khan - Wednesday - After School - Room 24
  • Ultimate Frisbee Club – Mr. Frietas - Wednesday - Lunch - Field

Service and Volunteerism
California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) (7th/8th grade only)

Leadership and volunteerism to school and community are important qualities and skills to a well rounded and enriched life. We believe student leaders should give back to their school and community. CJSF emphasizes high academic standards and community service. Students must maintain a 3.5 GPA with all E/S marks in citizenship. Only grades earned in grade 7 and 8 will count toward membership, and assessed each semester. To remain active, members are to serve at least 20 community service hours per semester. Students must be active for 2 semesters in order to earn recognition at 8th grade promotion.  Students with 50 or more volunteer hours in the school year will receive “The President's Volunteer Service Award" directly from the President of the United States. Students who serve 50-74 hours will earn a Bronze pin/certificate, those who serve 75-99 hours will earn a Silver pin/certificate and those who serve 100+ hours will earn a Gold pin/certificate.