Three times per year at the SAR Assembly that takes place a few weeks after Q1, Q2, Q3, faculty members will recognize students with Madrona Merit Awards to those who have demonstrated positive citizenship and behavior that exemplifies our "Be Respectful, Be Responsible" motto.


A few weeks following the conclusion of Q1, Q2, Q3, Honor Roll lists will be emailed to parents in the Madrona Wildcats Family Memo.  

Q4 concludes on the last day of school so lists for Q4 will not be posted.  More than 50% of Madrona students each quarter typically achieve this academic honor. 

To earn the title of Honor Roll, a student must:

  • Achieve a minimum 3.50 grade point average at the end of each Quarter. 
  • Only classes taken at Madrona are used for Honor Roll.
  • Physical Education grade is included in the calculation. 
  • Grade point averages are NOT rounded off (a 3.49 is not rounded up). 
  • All achievement grades must be a C or above.  
  • All citizenship grades must be S or above. 
  • Honor Roll Lists will be posted on the website approximately 2 weeks following Q1, Q2, Q3.