Special Programs

English Language Development Program

The English Language Development (ELD) Program aims to support students whose primary language is not English so that they will redesignate as Fluent-English-Proficient (FEP). The major goals for the ELD Program are to devlop student's proficiency and skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking of the English language. The participation in this program is only known by the student’s teachers and site administration. At the end of each school year, ELD students are re-evaluated to determine their English language ability.

Special Education

The TUSD Special Education Department offers a continuum of placements and services to eligible students from ages three to 22. To obtain information regarding the administrator or program specialist that can best help you with your particular question or situation; call the TUSD Special Education Department at 310-972-6100. 

Visit the TUSD Special Education page

GATE & High Achieving Students

Hull students with a GPA of 3.75 and above may be eligible to participate in the following opportunities:

  • Astrocamp - an astronomical experience in Big Bear Mountain
  • CIMI (Catalina Island Marine Institute) - a marine biology experience on Catalina Island.
  • Monthly afterschool program - activities ran by GATE coordinators

Students are identified for the TUSD Gifted and Talented Education program in grades 3-5.