Whom to Contact:
Hull Main Line: (310) 533-4516
When returning to school from any absence, students must bring a note signed by a parent or guardian stating the exact date and reason for the absence.
Teachers are best positioned to give you feedback about your child's academics and behavior because they interact with them most.
Please contact a teacher or teachers directly with your questions first. Teacher emails can be found on PowerSchool or the directory below, allow 1-2 business days for a response.
Hull school counselors implement a comprehensive school counseling program by providing direct and indirect services such as:
- Academic skills support - including organizational skills, goal-setting, monitoring student progress
- Classroom lessons, group counseling, and individual counseling
- High school, college, and career planning
- Crisis intervention and facilitating student/family referrals
Please contact our assistant principal when there are concerns after you have contacted the teacher or counselor. If there are concerns after you have contacted the assistant principal, or you want to discuss schoolwide programs or systems, please contact our principal.
Assistant Principal
Faculty & Staff Directory
J.H. Hull Middle School
Jackie Ryan
Kimberly Lee
Assistant Principal
Sheila Sandford
Karol Otsuka
Bev Chesney
Health Clerk
Glenda Simpson
Amelia Conyers
School Psychologist
Nicole Carroll
Maile Toy
Eryn Harman
Speech and Language Pathologist
Brooke Bayles
Mental Health Therapist
Samantha Eden
History teacher
Nicolle Fazis
Cindy Gottschalk
Jacklyn Noriega
PE Teacher