School Site Councel and the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) was established under the Local Control Funding Formula to allow decisions to be made more at the school site level, this group is called a School Site Council. The School Site Council is actively looking for parental input in the development of our schools SPSA Plan. The LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) and SPSA is a three year action plan to address student needs, account for expenditures and support student outcomes and performance. This plan will identify the priorities of spending, review student data, provide actions taken and involve all major stakeholders to ensure that are students are College and Career-ready and able to make life choices that have successful, universal outcomes. Please join us as we are always looking for ways to build and help children become more successful. If you cannot make one of our meetings you can contribute to our group, via survey below, click on the Yellow SPSA Survey Button. If you would like to be a part of this amazing opportunity, let me know via email:
The SPSA Plan is always presented to the TUSD School Board for approval. The School Site Council meets throughout the school year to gather input, review data, draft, make changes and approve the SPSA plan. The SPSA plan is a living document that can be/is adjusted thoughout the school year based upon data.
CA School Dashboard: The California Department of Education has released the CA School Dashboard for all schools in California. The Dashboard is a group of colored circles that identify how students are performing based upon different demographics within identified categories. These performance indicators are what schools use to make changes to their SPSA in order to support students. I have attached a link for an article that gives some explanation to student growth rates, there is a link at the end of the article where you can plug in Torrance Unified and see how it is one of the higher growth rate districts. The article is linked here:
The link to the CDE School Dashboard can be found here:
As we review the data we need to be cognitive about a few things, one being that the data only identifies students by year, not by cohort years making it difficult to see accurate progress of students. It also should be noted that the data doesn’t reflect students that may fall within multiple categories. Click Video Tips to learn more.
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Unraveling the Mystery of California School Finance and
Its Impact on TUSD. The California Education funding model is complicated and can be difficult to understand. During this presentation information was provided which oulined a brief history on how schools have been funded in California and how we they are still grappling with the effects of those policy decisions today. It clarified some common misconceptions about school funding, such as what being “fully funded” means and how much we actually receive from the lottery. It looks at how TUSD compares to other districts in per-pupil funding and the importance of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) in directing services to meet student needs.
Click Accountability Plan for presentation.
TUSD Spanish Night: Torrance Unified School District's Language Assessment Center is proud to present the opportunity for Spanish-speaking parents and guardians to attend this school year's Spanish Parent Night. Spanish Parent Night reinforces and encourages parents to be involved in their child’s K-12 education. These events include information and educational workshops. These events are presented entirely in Spanish. Childcare and homework help is usually available for grades K-8 children. For additional information, please check the TUSD Website.