Office Hours- Provides student with an opportunity to get some additional academic support during the school day. Students should ask their teacher to attend a session if they are in need of some support or help with their classes.

Calle Mayor Middle School believes that all students can learn at high levels, in doing our part we are consistently evolving to better support the needs of our students. Calle Mayor has instituted an Intervention/Enrichment program which research has shown will enhance your child’s education. We will be implementing an Intervention/Enrichment time during the school day on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, to support our students. We have modified our bell schedule so that we will have an extra 25 minute period on those days. A copy of the new bell schedule is listed below. Each week your Student could be assigned or requested to attend an Office Hour which will provide them with some extra time with their teacher to receive some support or help in a class. Your student will have an opportunity to attend a session and get some extra support, please encourage your child to become an advocate for themselves and ask for some assistance from their teacher.  At times teachers will identify students that they would like to see and support, students can also be an advocate for themselves and speak to their teacher about getting some additional support for themselves. We encourage parents to review their child’s agenda book, grades on powerschool and have conversations about their educational needs and goals. If students need additional help in Math, Science, History or English they can visit a teacher during this time. This time may also be used if they need some additional time to work on a school project or learn a new skill or activity. Our teachers will be not only be helping students who are struggling but also provide additional enrichment learning opportunities for our students. We ask that if you need to make a doctor’s appointment or would like to pick your child up that it be done either before or after this time. The Calle Mayor Office will not be able to interrupt the classrooms at this time for announcements. Because students are making a choice about where they need to go and not necessarily following their assigned class schedule, we will not be able to locate them if you come at that time for pick up so please plan accordingly. The benefits of this program are tremendous to student learning. The goal is to create a higher learner and higher grades for all our students.


INTERVENTION/ENRICHMENT(Office Hours) BELL SCHEDULE(Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Priority Days: Monday(History), Wednesday(ELA), Thursday(Math) and Fridays(Science)

MONDAY/WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY/FRIDAY                                                                                                                               CAMPUS OPENS: 8:20                              

PERIOD 1           8:40-9:29

 PERIOD 2           9:32-10:21

 NUTRITION       10:21-10:36

PERIOD 3          10:39-11:28

OFFICE HOURS*    11:31-11:56

PERIOD 4          11:59-12:48

 LUNCH              12:48-1:32

PERIOD 5           1:35-2:24

PERIOD 6           2:27-3:16

*We will not be able to pull students from classes during Office Hour times, please see the "Reminder" below.

Students should have their AGENDA Books with them at all times, it is a valuable tool for organization. Please discuss with your child the importance of the Agenda Book and organization/planning.

*REMINDER: Students will not be available for pick-up during Office Hour Intervention time(MON, WED, THUR, FRI: 11:31-11:56AM) unless it has been prearranged prior and the student is in the Office. No all-call announcements or calls to classrooms will be made during the Intervention/Enrichment Office Hour time, please plan accordingly.