
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program at JMS

The Torrance Unified School District and Jefferson Middle School prides ourselves on our academic excellence and the high achievement of our students. The goal of our GATE program is to identify students with exceptional abilities and then to cultivate and enrich their growth to the fullest of each student's potential. Jefferson provides both differentiated learning experiences within classroom and enrichment learning opportunities outside of the classroom through our TUSD GATE program and on-site GATE Parent Advisory Committee support.

At the middle school level, acceleration course opportunities are available. Placement decisions for hyper-compacted mathematic courses are  made based upon portfolios and a variety of assessments reviewed by the math team and administration. GATE students frequently participate in this pathway, however, GATE identification is not part of the placement criteria. In eighth grade, students who demonstrate advanced learning may meet criteria to take course/s at the high school. Additionally, Jefferson offers alternative enrichment opportunities for GATE and High Achieving students, ranging from extension and enrichment tutorials, participation in Math Counts team, and science camps.

JMS After School GATE Enrichment Sessions

The 2018-2019 GATE Enrichment Session Dates are as follows:

Month / Year

Choice 1

Choice 2

October 2018

Wednesday, October 24th

Thursday, October 25th

November 2018

Wednesday, November 28th

Thursday, November 29th

January 2019

Wednesday, January 30th

Thursday, January 31st

February 2019

Wednesday, February 27th

Thursday, February 28th

March 2019

Wednesday, March 27th

Thursday, March 28th

April 2019

Wednesday, April 24th

Thursday, April 25th

May 2019 Wednesday, May 29th Thursday, May 30th 

It is Important to Note the Following:

  1. Dates are subject to change.
  2. The "Themes" for each Enrichment Session, and a permission slip for each event, will be distributed to students (and posted on the main page of the JMS website) the first week of the month in which the event will be held.

2017 JMS Parent GATE Advisory Field Trip to UCLA

Parent Resources

* Please be advised that TUSD or JMS does not endorse either the content or views of the outside sites listed.

JMS Presentations:

Organizations, Websites, and E-Newsletters:

  • California Association for the Gifted (CAG) - CAG is a state-wide non-profit organization serving parents, students, and teachers of California's high potential students. Membership is required to access the majority of materials but does include an e-subscription to the Gifted Education Communicator and a discount to the annual conference.
  • National Association for the Gifted (NAGC)
    NAGC is the largest non-profit organization serving both parents and educators. NACC sponsors an annual conference and additionally provides resources and monthly articles covering relevant topics related to GATE. 
  • Hoagies' Gifted is a comprehensive web site specifically for parents seeking additional information regarding gifted programs and resources. The website was started and continues to be run by a parent who was seeking support with her own gifted children.
  • The Gifted Education Press Quarterly is a e-newsletter for parents and educators of gifted children.
  • The Greater Los Angeles Gifted Children's Association (GLAGCA) The Greater Los Angeles Gifted Children's Association - A local organization with a focus on supporting teachers working with our GATE students.                                                                                                                 
  • Orange County Council for Gifted and Talented Education - The OC Council for GATE Education is an organization designed to support teachers. Parents may also find valuable resources on this site. The organization hosts a Fall GATE conference, check the final agenda on the website prior to enrolling to ensure parent choices are offered.

Book Resources:

  • The Highly Sensitive Child, Helping our Children Thrive when the World Overwhelms Them, By Elain N.Aron, Ph.D
  • The Strong Sensitive Boy, By Elain N. Aron, Ph.D
  • Living with Intensity, By Susan Daniels
  • When Gifted Kids Don't Have All the Answers, By Jim Delisle and Judy Galbraith
  • Guiding the Gifted Child: A Practical Source for Parents and Teachers, By James T. Webb and Elizabeth A. Meckstroth
  • 101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids, By Christine Fonseea