RMS Student Expectations

RMS Students will…

… treat everyone at RMS with respect.

…respect everyone’s privacy and property.

…access and use technology in an appropriate manner.

…attend all classes on time and be prepared to work.

…use appropriate language.

…keep hands, feet, and other objects to themselves.

RMS Students will not…

…bully, fight or threaten others at or outside RMS.

…buy or sell food, drinks, candy, cards, etc. with other students.

…have gum, soda or energy drinks while on the RMS campus. 

…play fight, rough house or horseplay

…interfere or distract from the learning process of others.

Students will…
…treat all persons at RMS with respect.
…respect everyone’s privacy and property.
…attend class on time and prepared to work.
…remain on campus the entire school day.
…use appropriate language.
…keep hands, feet, and other objects to themselves.
…have good citizenship and conduct.
…keep backpacks in lockers (7th & 8th)
…leave electronics (not needed for class) at home

Students will not…
…bully, fight or threaten others while at school.
…bully, fight or threaten others on the way to school.
…bully, fight or threaten others on the way home.
…buy, sell, or trade food, candy, cards, gum, etc.
…chew gum at school.
…take backpacks to class.
…play fight or play roughly.
…distract from the learning process of others.

Bullying Policy: We will not condone bullying of any kind (verbal, physical, electronic, exclusion, etc.) here at RMS. Any student who experiences or witnesses bullying should notify an adult immediately. Students who participate in bullying will be subject to serious consequences pursuant to TUSD Policy and Education Code.

Appropriate Dress: In keeping with Board policy, students are expected to follow the dress guidelines in  order to maintain a respectful, safe, and supportive learning environment during all regular school activities:  Dress code violations will follow the discipline matrix as set forth in Administrative Rule 5144 – Discipline Policy for grades 6-12.  First through third offense is handled with a warning and change of clothing up to suspension for disruption and willful defiance (K-8). (Education Code 48900(k)

Ø Flat, closed-toed, shoes must be worn at all times. Crocs and slides are not permitted.

Ø Clothing, jewelry and personal items (backpacks, gym bags, water bottles etc.) shall be free from writing, pictures or any other insignia which are vulgar, profane, or of a sexual nature, or bear drug, alcohol or tobacco company advertising, promotions and likenesses, or which advocate racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, or religious intolerance.

Ø Clothes shall conceal undergarments at all times.  

Ø Swimwear, excessively short skirts/shorts, excessively low cut tops, tube tops, and lingerie are not appropriate school wear.

Ø Due to student identification and campus safety concerns, hoods are not to be worn.

The administration and staff may establish reasonable dress and grooming regulations for times when students are engaged in extracurricular or other special school activities.

Cell Phone Policy:  Maintaining the integrity of the learning environment is the top priority.  “Gate to gate, phones can wait.”  Students MUST have their cell phones turned off during the school day. Cell phones will be out of sight while on the Richardson Middle School campus. Wireless headphones (i.e. AirPods) are not permitted on campus.  No photo/video anywhere/anytime on campus without explicit permission from a teacher or administrator.  Cell phone charging is not allowed on campus.  Fire drills, assemblies, or other school evacuations are considered cell phone blackouts. 

Traffic Safety: Students must use the crosswalks to ensure safety when traveling to and from school. Furthermore, students who bicycle, skateboard, or scooter to school are required to wear helmets in accordance with Torrance Police Department policy. Students may not ride bicycles, skateboards, or scooters on campus at any time. All cars dropping off or picking up students should follow the directions given by the security guard to guarantee the safety of RMS students.

Student Safety: In order to provide all of our students a safe learning environment, all communication during school hours must be conducted through the school office.  We recommend calling the front office at 310 533-4790 or email rmsoffice@tusd.org.  School office drop-off ability and policies are in place for safety and security purposes. There is no access to the office lobby to deliver or drop off items for your student. Lunch and school items may be dropped off to the cart outside the office gate from the start of school until lunch time.  The cart will be wheeled inside at lunch for student pick-up (items will not be delivered).  RMS is not responsible for dropped off items that are lost or stolen.  Ordering food from restaurants or delivery services is not allowed at RMS due to the disruption it causes to the office and school environment as well as the safety risks it presents by bringing additional strangers onto campus.

Food Service & Wellness Policy : Food items can be purchased in the cafeteria and at the Red Cart. Parents are encouraged to use the Titans School Solutions program which enables money to be placed on the student’s account, this can be done online: (family.titank12.com). RMS adheres to the Torrance Unified Wellness Policy which prohibits outside and homemade food items in large quantities to be brought on to the campus. This is a safety issue for students with food allergies. Parents can bring lunches to their children but no food items to share with other students. Cupcakes, pizza, and cakes would be examples of some food items that will not be allowed on campus in sizes that can feed more than one person.    

Students are expected to show consideration and observe ordinary rules of etiquette at all times. Misbehavior will not be tolerated. Students cutting in line or leaving trash on the tables will be disciplined. Students may only purchase food for themselves and are not to borrow money or food from their peers. Misbehaviors such as running, shoving, food throwing, etc., will not be tolerated. Students are not allowed to eat or drink (with the exception of water) in classrooms, on the blacktop or field,and in the library or computer lab. 

Backpacks and Lockers:  All students at RMS have been issued lockers and we greatly encourage their usage throughout the school day. In order to maintain safe pathways in the classrooms, backpacks must be stored inside lockers.  Students must plan adequate locker time before school, at recess, at lunch and after school. Students are not allowed to go to their lockers during class time and are not to share their lockers or combinations with other students. Backpacks are not allowed on the blacktop or in the corridors outside of classrooms due to the potential tripping hazard and/or  theft.

Academic Dishonesty Policy:  RMS will not condone academic dishonesty (cheating).  If students violate this policy, consequences may include  a lower citizenship grade and/or detention.

Off Campus Behavior: RMS is responsible for students going to and from school. Consequently, incidents which occur off-campus before students arrive on campus or before students reach home will be dealt with in the same manner as on-campus misbehavior. Students must follow all school rules while attending an off campus activity, this includes sporting events at South High.

Public Displays of Affection (PDA): Public displays of affection (PDA) of any type are not allowed on school grounds before, during or after school. This includes, but is not limited to, hugging, holding hands, and kissing. Students engaged in PDA will be subject to disciplinary action.


Our goal is to provide an environment where students experience a school-wide commitment to high standards of academic excellence and personal character.  Recognition of superior performance is essential to student growth and development.  Equally important is a need for a program to hold students accountable to help them gain self-direction and a sense of responsibility. Students come to school to learn, teachers come to school to teach. Anything that prevents this from happening is not appropriate. Infractions of school rules may result in the following progressive discipline policy consequences:

  • Warning
  • Detention 
  • Campus service
  • In-school suspension/class suspension
  • Out-of-school suspension
  • Expulsion

Students may be suspended* or expelled** for any of the following (Ca. Ed. Code 48900):

  • Causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person.
  • Possessing, selling, or furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive, (included firecrackers & poppers), or other dangerous object.
  • Unlawfully possessing, using, selling, or otherwise furnishing, or being under the influence of any controlled substance, as defined in Section 11007 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind.
  • Unlawfully offering, arranging, or negotiating to sell any controlled substance, as defined in Section 11007 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, any look alike controlled substance, or an intoxicant of any kind.
  • Committing robbery or extortion.
  • Causing or attempting to cause damage to school property or private property.
  • Stealing or attempting to steal school or private property.
  • Possessing or using tobacco or any products containing tobacco or nicotine.
  • Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
  • Unlawfully offering, arranging, or negotiating to sell any drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11364 of the Health and Safety Code.
  • Disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defying the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.
  • Knowingly receiving stolen school or private property.
  • Possessing an imitation firearm.
  • Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault; or committing a sexual battery as defined in the penal code.
  • Harassing, threatening, or intimidating a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding.
  • Committing sexual harassment.
  • Causing, attempting to cause, threatening to cause or participating in an act of hate violence.
  • Intentionally engaging in harassment, threats or intimidation against a pupil or groups of pupils.
  • Making terroristic threats against school officials or school property, or both.

Due process shall be afforded each student suspended or expelled. All such action will be taken in strict conformity with the procedures and limitations set forth in the Education Code.

*Suspension: Removal of a student from school for a specified length of time.

**Expulsion: The dismissal of a student from all Torrance Unified School District schools by the Board of Education.

The following is a list of some offenses that are citable by the Torrance Police Department:




Offensive Words in Public


Skateboarding on School Property


Riding a Bike without a Helmet


Loitering (Truancy)


Possession of Tobacco and Tobacco Paraphernalia


Possession of Firecrackers


Keeping Lost Property



 A student that achieves a 4.0 grade point average (GPA) earns the distinction of Principal’s Honor Roll. 

A student with a minimum 3.50 grade point average (GPA) earns the distinction of Honor Roll. 

All grades must be A, B, or C.  All classes, including those taken at South High School, are used to determine eligibility. In addition, all citizenship grades must be E or S.  Any student who earns a GPA of 3.5 or higher, but has a U or N on his/her report card is not eligible for any Honor Roll distinctions


Students are responsible for their own personal property and are discouraged from bringing valuables to school including personal sports equipment and large sums of money. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Students are responsible for any school property that is loaned to them (i.e. lockers, iPads, Chromebooks) & must return items in the same condition they were received.  When Individual textbooks are issued to students, it is their responsibility to cover them and treat them with care. Students are responsible to pay for all damaged, lost, or stolen textbooks.  Student registration (or 8th grade promotion certificate) will be held until payment is made. 


Individual textbooks are issued to students. It is their responsibility to cover them and treat them with care. Book covers are available at the Student Store or can easily be made at home. Students are responsible to pay for all textbooks that are damaged, lost, or stolen. Student report card (and diploma, if in 8th grade) will be held until payment is made.